Final Networked Learning

And now, the question we’ve all been waiting for:

“How have I contributed to the learning of others?”

Hands of diverse team members assembling jigsaw puzzle close up

Well, for starters, I’ve always been on time for and participated in class. I’ve also been active on the discord server, and tried to answer timely when people have asked questions.

For example, a lot of us contributed great ideas to this question by Dalin. Personally, I always love getting questions like this being a bilingual person myself. It’s fun to be able to recommend something based on my own experience of how accurate it is. (For all those out there using Duolingo, I tried it in both languages I know, and it does a very good job.)

I’ve also linked people to my blog on occasion, especially when they inspired my own learning.

Of course, probably the biggest way I’ve been actively contributing to the learning of others is the comments I’ve made on other people’s blog posts.

Here are some examples:

One comment I made on Joshua Wagner’s post, Romancing the Germanic sparked a little conversation, which I thought was super fun:

As I said, I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge of being bilingual.

Overall, I’m satisfied with the contributions I’ve made in this course. I think I’ve learned a lot from the other students in this class and I hope they’ve been able to learn from me, as well! This was a fun class, though it was a crazy semester.
