• EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Making The Icing

    Before I started to decorate cookies I thought that hardest thing about this process was the going to be decorating the cookies and not making the icing, but, I was wrong. Making the icing posed many challenges, getting the royal icing to become the right consistency was very hard for me. The recipe that I used for the Royal Icing was Sally’s Favourite Royal Icing. I found that this recipe was very good at giving good instructions and step by step to follow. To make this icing I went to Micheals and picked up a few supplies that I needed. The first thing that I was required to pick up…

  • EDTC 300

    Technology and Me

    When posed with the question ‘how does technology affect your everyday life,’ it made stop, look at my life and reflect on all of the ways technology is used within my every day. Each Sunday on my phone I get a little notification that pops up giving me my weekly screen time and I am able to go look at what apps I am using the most. When looking at it, it really was not a surprise to me, most of the hours spent on my phone were scrolling TikTok, answering Snapchats or looking through Facebook. None of these apps are really educational, although you can learn some pretty neat…

  • EDTC 300

    Canva in the Classroom

    Although I have heard of Canva I have never really explored or played around with it. Canva is an app that provides templates for absolutely anything you can think of and are fully customizable. I spent some time playing around on Canva and after using it I decided to buy the pro membership. I found it very easy to use and simple to create any design that I could want. Buying the pro version allows me to access many things and add more customization. Canva has the options of Canva Teams, this allows people to work together upgrading their experience using Canva. Canva for Teachers  Canva for teachers can be…

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Icing My Way Into a New Hobby

    While choosing a learning project I had many ideas that I was interested in exploring. The one that I decided I wanted to take the time to learn was decorating sugar cookies. I enjoy baking but I have never been able to do more than spread icing onto cookies with a butter knife. I have created a list of things that I need to complete if I want to accomplish my overall goal of wanting to decorate a sugar cookie nicely; I need to begin by baking the sugar cookies, an easy-to-follow sugar cookie recipe is the way I will be doing that! I will need to cut the cookies…

  • About Me

    About Me

    Hi, my name is Emily Quibell. I grew up on my family farm just outside the small town of Broadview, Saskatchewan. On our farm we grain farm and raise cattle but also have many other animals as well. We have horses, dogs, cats, goats and a donkey. I graduated from Broadview High school in 2022 with a large class for our school of 9 kids! During high school I participating in many sports which included; baseball, volleyball, track and field, and badminton. I love spending most of my time outdoors either hanging out with my family, my animals or helping on the farm! My Family Family plays a very important…

  • EDTC 300

    My Experience Using Educational Technology

    I grew up in a very small town. Growing up in such a small town and attending such a small school we did not have access to a very wide range of technology. We used smart boards and had laptops that we were able to use.  Having access to such minimal technology I now have a great interest in many different types of technology within the classroom, and how to use them. As a future teacher I Believe that technology will play an important role within my classroom and I am eager and excited to learn more about technology! Blogging is something that is very new to me! When we…