When given the opportunity to take time to reflect more deeply on one topic that we have talked about, it gave me the opportunity to reflect more deeply on cyber safety. Cyber safety is something that I find very important. Before this class I truly haven’t given it much though or given a thought on how I am going to teach cyber safety. This class made me look back and reflect on my experience with cyber safety and how I was introduced to it in my elementary and high school experiences. Looking back I see things that I did not like the way that they taught us, they tried to…
Increase Digital Literacy Within Schools
I am enrolled in elementary education and although it may seem to young to begin talking about digital literacy, I believe it is not. Technology plays a huge role in our lives everyday. I am nearly positive that by the time a kid gets to kindergarten they already have had access to technology in some way. This could be watching Pingfong, Danny Go Go, or even just playing a simple game on their parents phone. A lot of kids at this age already have their own iPads or tablets for playing games or watching shows. Teaching kids about digital literacy does not have to be as complicated as some make…
Changing World, Changing Technology
As the world changes there are many changes that come along with it. One of the biggest changes that is happening and presence in our everyday life is technology. Technology places a huge and vital role within our society. It is our base of communication, knowledge and everything we do. If we want to talk to someone we are able to just pick up the phone and give them a phone call or send them a text. No matter the distance communication is not a struggle we face. With tech playing such a significant role within our lives it it important to be able to think about the role that…
Cyber Safety… Education
Cyber safety is a very important conversation to have with youth, starting at a young age, now more than ever. Cyber safety was not a topic that I was introduced to until around grade 7. I believe that talking about the internet and how to keep yourself safe on the internet was something that was introduced to us way too late in our lives. There was a few different ways that we were taught about cyber safety within our school: Our school tried to use the scaring us method, they would tell us all the bad about the internet and how certain things could ruin our lives. They did not…
Flooding and Outlining is more Difficult than it Seems!
For this week I choose to do my learning off of TikTok. I spend so much time on TikTok I thought it would be a good idea to use it for something useful. Below are two of the videos that I used that helped me along in outlining my cookies. After scrolling through TikTok I found South Street Cookies, her videos seemed to be very education and I felt that they gave me an idea on how to approach the idea of flooding and outlining a cookie. When I started this I thought that this was not going to be as hard as it turned out to be. @southstreetcookies Have…