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Category: EDTC 300

EDTC 300 Summary of Learning

EDTC 300 Summary of Learning

Hey there, everyone! Take a look at my EDTC 300 Summary of Learning! I had so much fun using this awesome tool called PuppetPals 2. What a fantastic semester exploring the realm of educational media and technology! I have started to recap my learning project as well.  

Sketching, Technology, and Teaching: A Recap

Sketching, Technology, and Teaching: A Recap

Hello, everyone! As I sit down to write this final blog post for the learning project, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and a myriad of emotions as I reflect on my journey of merging sketching and educational technology. This project has been a tapestry of challenges, learning, and unexpected joys. A Recap of My Journey My journey began with the basics: gathering the right tools and understanding the fundamentals of sketching. From simple A3 sketch pads to…

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The last Drawing

The last Drawing

Hi peeps, It seems I missed one of the posts for the learning project. But now it is high time to focus on the last one. The final installment of my learning project is approaching, with a focus on gaining perspective. The one-point perspective stands out as the best choice for beginners. The video I watched includes stages. Setting up involves establishing a horizon line and vanishing point on a horizontal line above the page’s middle. I then created the…

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Be my Co-pilot!

Be my Co-pilot!

So, here are the details of my recent exploration of some fascinating online tools. First on the list was DALL-E2, which piqued my interest. However, there was a little hiccup: it requires credits, and unfortunately, I couldn’t generate images because I didn’t have an account with credits. Next up was midjourney. I was eager to explore, but I must confess, the interface had me second-guessing. It looked a bit intimidating, almost like a scene from a hacking movie. So, I…

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A Call to Digital Literacy in Education

A Call to Digital Literacy in Education

Hey, fellow educators! In our fast-paced digital world, it’s crucial to equip our students with the skills to navigate the sea of information and tell fact from fiction. Let’s dive into the ever-present issue of fake news, a challenge we can overcome by boosting our collective digital literacy. In a world where misinformation spreads like wildfire, teaching digital literacy isn’t just a duty; it’s a necessity. We, as educators, stand at the forefront of this battle. Integrating digital literacy into…

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Sketching Progress: Before Term’s End

Sketching Progress: Before Term’s End

Hello, peeps! I’m excited to share my drawing journey with you this week. I’ve been drawing for 8 weeks now, and let me tell you, starting with geometric shapes is a game-changer! I came across this amazing tutorial video by an art teacher from Canada. The idea is simple yet ingenious: start your drawings with basic shapes, especially if you are just stepping into the art world. It’s like a secret code to unlocking the mysteries of body proportions. If…

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Tips and Tricks : Navigating Beginner Drawing Challenges

Tips and Tricks : Navigating Beginner Drawing Challenges

I was keen to start this week’s learning project with beginner’s tips and simple drawing and coloring tutorials from 5 Minute Crafts. Initially, I chose to draw lips by looking at the video, thinking it would be a piece of cake. However, reality hit me like a ton of bricks, and these lips soon turned into incomprehensible circles on my paper. After trying three different lip drawings, I was disappointed and decided to take a step back. 5 second videos…

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Hour of Code Adventure: From NASA to Minecraft

Hour of Code Adventure: From NASA to Minecraft

Hey there! So, I decided to jump into’s Hour of Code, starting with the NASA activity. Gotta say it gave my brain a workout, and I didn’t quite conquer it. No big deal, though! I joined a Zoom instruction session, got some helpful tips, and then switched over to the Minecraft activity. Surprisingly, Minecraft was more my speed, even though these activities are aimed at kids. Maybe I’m just not used to playing these kinds of games for a…

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A Journey in Teaching and Drawing

A Journey in Teaching and Drawing

I have started preparations for the next week’s class related to the field experience of my internship. The goal is to identify the appearance and behavior of cows for the Science 1-2 class. The diversity of the class provides an opportunity to engage students in a hands-on and creative way. While still in the process of preparing my lesson plan, I came across some engaging activities to make the learning experience memorable. One activity that stood out was getting students…

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