Category: EDTC300

Crocheting Classroom

While I was crocheting my blanket I was thinking about how I would go about teaching my future students to crochet. I believe having posters on how to complete particular stitches would be beneficial for students to read and see how a stitch is made while being able to refer back to the page when…

By Sam Froude October 10, 2023 0

Crocheting into the Curriculum

Crocheting is a form of art that students can engage in representing their ideas and learning. Since there is a high level of interest in crocheting in my before and after school program with kindergartens to grade six. I wanted to look further into how I can use crocheting in the curriculum. Indicators identified by…

By Sam Froude June 19, 2022 2

Digital Deals

Discussing digital literacy with everyone is important because the online world is evolving more quickly than people believe. Technology and accessing the internet to communicate with others is a technique the world has adapted to and can not continue without because it will affect the daily lives of everyone. The internet itself has “evolutionized communications”…

By Sam Froude June 17, 2022 0

Secret Identities

From an educational perspective, I present myself in a way that aligns with my “values” and through the “behaviours that are expected” (Janette Randall, 2018) by my school, my colleagues and my students, primarily targeting the correct audience and content according to my professional interests, beliefs and the appropriate use of social media.  Social media…

By Sam Froude June 16, 2022 0

Learning Project Introduction

I love making personalized gifts for those I am gifting something to because as my nana would say “it is something you can keep when I am not here” and it often represents something shared between the two people. One of the first gifts I remember my nana giving me was a beautiful crocheted angel…

By Sam Froude June 11, 2022 0

Frame Your Digital Identity

“One shocking detail about sharing content online is that the Internet doesn’t discriminate, it doesn’t make distinctions between what’s done for a bad or good cause;  it saves them all and leaves a trail behind: a footprint” (​​Techpremier Media Limited, 2022) After reading Ribble’s Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship it is evident that there is…

By Sam Froude June 11, 2022 0

Seesaw Through My Learning

Seesaw can work to aid in showing each student’s work, growth and learning process. This tool reminds me of a blog site; the educator or student can post pictures, drawings, videos, notes, links, announcements, and chat with each guardian or student through their account, and comment on posts. If the student is posting, the post will…

By Sam Froude June 11, 2022 0

Tweet, Tweet, Twitter

After using Twitter as a child and not logging on again until now, I will say Twitter has changed my view from an educational perspective. Though social media can lead to negative impacts on a child’s development, if it is used appropriately it can assist and promote students within their learning and diverse learning needs.…

By Sam Froude June 11, 2022 0

Blog Posts

I have used edusites throughout my university experience which has allowed me to document, save, and share my professional learning journey and my future as an educator. I have personal accounts on social media but have most of my settings as private as they can be. I believe blogging is a professional and organized way…

By Sam Froude May 7, 2022 0