A Journey Through EC&I 833 by Aatif and Gagan deep kaur

Our Reflection Our journey about Educational Technology EC&I 833 have been a transformative experience from enhancing our understanding about EDTech to exploring new approaches of integrating digital tools in the classroom. We understand how Educational Technology has evolved from chalkboards to AI and coding and how this advancement has...
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New ways of Learning through Generative AI

  Nowadays, Generative AI has integrated into our lives in such a way that we can’t even think of living without technology for a second. My journey of teaching has been reshaped through generative AI. As a teacher, I have witnessed how AI has the potential to transform the...
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Makerspaces matter : A gateway to 21 century skills 

Makerspaces or coding have transformed our entire education system into innovative space, whereas preparing our students to be lifelong learners and problem solvers by emphasizing on creativity, collaboration, and innovation. They have given students a platform to explore STEAM concepts (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) through various hands-on...
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My Journey of Making Learning Accessible

  My journey as an Educator began in India where my experiences shaped from the large classrooms with very limited resources to integrating technology in education to fulfil the diverse needs of the students. As a teacher, every stage in my life comes as a learning lesson. As I...
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Assessment As Connection : Prioritizing Conversation over Data

Assessment should be considered as an interactive and more individualised process rather than a sheet consisting of scores. I am completely aligned with Joe Bower’s statement on a unique perspective about assessment. By having a constructive thought about assessment, we analyse why technology is constraining assessment practices and how...
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Beyond the Classroom : Rise of Education 3.0

Today’s presentation has given me a new perspective about Education 3.0. The transformation of Education from 1.0 to 3.0 sheds light on the learner-driven concept where students are allowed to set their own learning objectives and become self-determined. Jackie Gerstein has compared the evolution of the Web from 1.0...
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Adapting digital tools to our teaching styles

  Online and blended learning have become a crucial part of the education system after the outbreak of the covid pandemic. There are numerous tools that are adopted by educators at different levels to enhance the teaching and learning outcomes and these tools are not only becoming a part...
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Amalgamation of Productivity suites into Educational settings

How have productivity suites been integrated into educational settings at different levels (K-12, higher education, etc.)? Reflect on their accessibility for students, teachers, and institutions. How do these tools address or exacerbate issues related to digital divide and equity? Productivity suites, such as Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace have...
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Reflection on my Teaching Philosophy

    MY TEACHING PHILOSOPHY  My teaching philosophy has been reshaped over time by numerous experiences as a teacher, diverse theories of knowledge and learning. There are multiple theories and philosophies that support my teaching practice, and they have played a significant role in helping me become a better...
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How My Understanding of Educational Technology Was Shaped

A personal reflection on educational technology My understanding of “educational technology” have been shaped by various historical developments, constructivist philosophies, and the different challenges faced in the educational system. In today’s world, educational technology is defined by using computers and digital tools in the classroom and expands beyond mere...
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