Implications of Constructivism in my Professional Journey


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Implications of Constructivism in my Professional Journey

In our recent class, we had learnt about concept and theories of knowledge and learning. The skills or things acquired by a person through his/her experiences or education is called knowledge, whereas improvement in the acquired skills or knowledge taken place because of interaction of learner with its environment is called Learning. In this session we also discussed about three major theories of knowledge and learning which are as following:

All these theories explain the mode of learning and factors which influences it. It also justifies the role of memory in learning and how learning is transferred from teacher to learner.

I, always, believe in Constructivism theory of knowledge and learning, which states that knowledge is actively constructed by the students for themselves. It was drawn out of Cognitivism. According to Vygotsky-Cultural-historical theory, cognitive development or construction of knowledge requires social interaction or past experiences of the students. Constructivist theory puts more emphasis on social interaction among people and its can easily be implicated by giving group work opportunities.

In my professional journey, I preferred teaching students by constructivist approach in which I always gave them chance to work in teams so that social interaction may be encouraged. I perceive, a group of people with common interests and goals, share their experiences and enhance their knowledge. Group presentations and project-based learnings induces more social engagement and results in improvement in any skill.

Nowadays, I encourage students to reflect their own learning processes so that they may be more independent learners and will be self reliable learners. That is how I keep adapting to new strategies and techniques in my classroom for the betterment of my students and maintain dynamic nature of teaching and learning.

For this blog post, I have been though  Constructivism – Teaching in a Digital Age (

I have also read The nature of knowledge and the implications for teaching

I have watched for Implication of Constructivism Constructivism in Education (

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One Response to Implications of Constructivism in my Professional Journey

  1. Ayushi Rana says:

    Hi Gurjinder,
    I appreciate your knowledge about learning theories. The efforts that you put to shift your teaching learning practices are very impressive. I also like the video that you put in your blog, it is very elaborative.


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