

Watch The Teacher Project to learn about initiatives schools are taking to help students and their communities!

Lesson Planning:

Backwards by Design Lesson Planning Template

TopHat’s list of 25 Instructional Strategy ideas.

56 Types of Formative Assessment

This resource includes many ideas on how to adapt and differentiate your lessons.

Visit Christ the Teacher Catholic Schools for ready made rubrics using the Saskatchewan curriculum.

STF Guide for Beginning Teachers

Sample Unit Plans by the STF

Teaching About the Digital World:

Amy Singh’s Website on Teaching Digital Citizenship

Physical Education:

The PE Specialist is a great resource with teaching tips and curriculum overviews!

Gender and Sexual Identity:

Myths and Misconceptions of LGBTQ2 Youth

Creating a Gender Friendly Classroom

Check out the UR Pride website!

Truth and Reconciliation:

Office of the Treaty Commissioner Website

Read the Truth and Reconciliation Booklet for student perspectives on residential schools.

Saskatchewan K-9 Treaty Education Learning Resource