ECS 102

No More Gender: Discussion Provocation #3

The world we live in today has been divided into two genders, male and female. An example of this occurring is clothing. You can walk into a clothing store or shop at any store online. And it is divided into two genders. Women and men sections, but I can’t help but ask why that is? I mean, the world as a whole has come a long way into forming inclusion to all genders and sexual orientations, but there are still walls standing blocking the full inclusion for all. Overall, colonialism is a massive part of our society. The thought that there are still people worldwide blocking the full inclusion for all genders and sexual orientations of people is scary to think about. Colonialism has given the impression that we have two genders, male and female. And with that, we learn that women are not superior to men. If we don’t have the term gender binary or colonialism, there is no hierarchy. For example, men get paid a superior wage compared to women. Changing this narrative then means no divide among all the genders and sexual orientations in our society. It is essential to disrupt the term gender binary because it no longer is correct. There are more genders now, which means that the gender binary is no longer relevant or accurate. For me spreading awareness is a top way of disrupting gender; spreading awareness that people are being shut out because of who they are is not correct. As well as when talking to people asking pronouns. In doing this, I can make sure I am addressing the other person correctly. These are just a few examples I and anyone can do to undo gender and include everyone in our society. The definition of gender is as follows “Either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones.” (Google Dictionary) This definition is one of few things that need to change to rewrite the idea of gender and what that means, and when I say that, it needs to apply to all. Because currently, it doesn’t, and rewriting the narrative of gender is just a small stepping stone to have inclusivity to all. I am apart of the change, but we all need to do our part in undoing the idea of gender in our society.


  • Cambri Daelick

    Great piece I can hear the passion you share for this topic in your writing! The example of online clothing shopping is a scenario that has never before been brought to my attention nor have I thought of it. However it is so true and it got me thinking of logical layouts and although we may be very far away from removing gender binary’s from online platforms like clothing stores. Do you have another suggestion on what these platforms should instead portray the sections as? I like your opinion about how “spreading awareness is a top way of disrupting gender” because it is very true awareness is a key part of understanding the issues that surround us and I feel it could be beneficial to disrupting gender binary. My question to you would be why is disrupting gender binary’s important to you specifically? I loved reading your perspective on this topic!

    • Josh Gampe

      Hi Halle,

      Very good and interesting piece of writing, I had never thought about the things like clothes shopping and it really made me realize. I really like your take on things, and I do agree that change needs to happen and the more support and spread like this is great! The hard thing is lots of people do not like the change and would not support it. Like for example if clothes got changed from being men’s and women’s there would be so many issues with all the non-supporters. How do you think is a good way to get around this?

  • Wanbli

    Hi! You made some really good points, a few I have never thought of myself. The definition of what gender is actually surprised me, I thought for sure that would have been changed by now! That would be a necessary step towards inclusion of all peoples. I did have a question on your other point where you said “…anyone can do to undo gender and include everyone in our society”. Would leaning towards a more open society not be leaving out the people that wish to stay in the female/male divided society? For example, some feminine people enjoy shopping in the women’s section and being able to have their style in one spot, same for masculine people that don’t wish for dresses to be among their simple t-shirts and jeans. I do agree that society is evolving, and some may say that if you’re not growing with it then you’ll be left behind, and really who cares but them? What I’m trying to get at, is at the end of the day all of the change wouldn’t be including ALL persons, but just the people wishing for all genders to be included and normalized which is absolutely fair because they do need to be included, but in order to grow it needs to be admitted that there will be people left behind because they wish to stay in this divided world. You made some very valid points with the definition and the work wages – points that I support and believe need to be changed, however the clothing point doesn’t make sense to me. That’s not to say it is wrong, only that I personally can see both sides of that argument and am stuck in the middle as I continue to grow and learn. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and giving me some perspective!

  • jdr198

    Hi Halle, really interesting read. I like how you pointed out clothes because everyone wears them and when people shop we are oblivious to the divide that is created between Colonialism by something as simple as clothes. I agree with your statement “when talking to people asking pronouns. In doing this, I can make sure I am addressing the other person correctly”. I agree I want to make sure I am making the other person as comfortable as possible and showing that you want to respect their pronouns. I think that is a huge step towards to including people in society. I was shocked to find out the google definition of gender and I respect you for noticing that it needs to change. I also 100% agree that “I am apart of the change, but we all need to do our part in undoing the idea of gender in our society”. Great job! Hope you had an awesome semester. -JR

  • Taylor Moyse

    very interesting perspective on this topic. I find that the generations before us tend to stick to the old ways because they were opressed into thinking certain ways as being different was wrong and it has been ingrained into their ways of thinking. i believe that clothing should not matter based on gender because I myself tend to wear more “male” styled clothing. i have had places ask me if i am buying them for my boyfriend and I have gotten into the habit of saying “yes” because I am afraid of the looks people will give me. even though I myself identify as a bisexual woman and use she/her pronouns, the comfort of male clothing is something that some people do not understand. i would rather wear jeans and not skin tight clothing since that is all you can buy for women it seems. recently being pregnant and having to buy maternity clothes and them all being tight made me sick and i ended up wearing this one tshirt for the last three months of my pregnancy.

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