ECS 203

Blog Post #1

How does Kumashiro define ‘commonsense?’ Why is it so important to pay attention to the ‘commonsense’? What commonsense understandings of curriculum and pedagogy do you bring with you into this course?

Kumashiro defines “commonsense” as what is usually or typically practiced; it is known as routine. 

It is essential to pay attention to commonsense because it tells how one’s knowledge is shaped by life experience, environment and education. Kumashiro talks about challenging commonsense. She says commonsense secures a certain amount of comfort to someone. She says commonsense is often what helps us make sense of our everyday life. For example, it is known here in Saskatchewan that we typically start school at 9:00 am and end at 3:30 pm. If they came out and decided to change it from 5:00 am to 11:00 am, there would more than likely be some backlash because that is not what is common or known. Its commonly known that we go to school at those typical hours, we would feel unknown or uncomfortable.

My Understanding of Curriculum and Pedagogy:

  • The curriculum guides your pedagogical approach.
  • Pedagogy is the method of teaching.
  • Curriculums are what need to be taught.

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