ECS 203

Blog Post #7

  • 1) [Culturally relevant pedagogy and critical literacy in diverse English classrooms: A case study of a secondary English teacher’s activism and agency]:

In my future classroom, I hope to create an inclusive space for all. The reading states, “Students must learn to be critical, understand each other and appreciate other forms of knowledge.” (75). In my classroom, I want to display a cross-cultural setting and have plural pedagogies for students to learn from. We as teachers must be understanding and empathetic to students learning and be open-minded to the cultural backgrounds they may come from. The students should be knowledgeable about their cultural backgrounds as well as other around them.

  • 2) [Placing elementary music education: a case study of a Canadian rural music program.]:

As educators, we must not be the sole source of knowledge to our students. Having this type of environment will result in superior power over them and eventually create a not enjoyable space for them. Students must reflect on their learning and then evaluate ways to learn best and learn about content that exclusively relates to them. Teachers should also utilize other resources in the teaching, such as videos, podcasts, or bring in guest speakers on topics they do not know much about. In order to create a safe space for students is essential for teachers to reflect on the power they possess over their students. By reflecting on this, it will then create a time for reflection and interpretation to change. Having open class discussions about it would also help the teacher and students know that it is safe.

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