- What is the purpose of teaching Treaty Ed (specifically) or First Nations, Metis, and Inuit (FNMI) Content and Perspectives (generally) where there are few or no First Nations, Metis, Inuit peoples?
In Dwayne Donald’s speech, he says, ” colonialism is an extended process of denying relationships” Although some people may resent the idea of teaching Indigenous was about knowledge and perspectives they have, it is vital to do so because should be aware of the dynamics and relationships we share with them. Our responsibility as teachers is to teach the harmful and truthful knowledge that occurred in this country and on this land we share. Donald also shares ” decolonization can occur once we deconstruct the past we share, and engage critically with the realization that the present and the future is intimately tied together” we, as educators, should be working tirelessly to create pedagogies and ways of knowing to further our understanding.
- What does it mean for your understanding of curriculum that “We are all treaty people”?
I think and believe it envelopes the idea of the relationship we share with the indigenous peoples. We acknowledge that we are living on the land, and we have made mistakes. We recognize that we have broken the relationship, and we will work tirelessly toward reconciliation.