ELNG 200

Blog Post #1

3 takeaways:

  • Languages have a deeper meaning than just spoken words to communicate. 
  • Teachers and school staff do not “police” immigration status because children deserve an education regardless of the circumstances. 
  • Understanding that immigrant children need to work much harder ins school than most other students, as language and cultural shock play a role in the transition. 

2 implications for practice:

  • Understanding the effects cultural shock has on the immigrants in Canada is a massive idea that we as teachers should be educated on. Knowing the circumstances of what they are going through will better us to be able to help and support the students in this new reality they live in. 
  • Understanding that second-generation immigrants also need support, although second-generation, do not mean they are adequately confident with the language. The reading acknowledges that most immigration students do not receive the proper help they need. Both culture shock and understanding the support these students need will be a huge key element in being a better teacher. 

1 insight/tension/question:

  • Although it is easy to say “inviting open language diversity into the classroom is simple,” I believe it is a challenge. Is it a challenge, and how can we be more adapting? 





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