Discussion Posts

Discussion Post – INDG:

In this week’s discussion forum, I want to talk about healing. Healing is the next step in overcoming something traumatic or something that has caused you hurt. The Indigenous peoples have been tormented by white settlers that came onto their land many many many years ago. with this, they have torn apart colonies and communities of first nations people across Canada. causing the Indigenous peoples trauma. And the Canadian government has done little to nothing to help with the problem that is still happening to this day. healing programs have been set in place, but then close very soon after. Healing takes time and having short term programs doesn’t do anything to really help. The healing programs need to be open for longer than a year at most, they need to be effective and truly help people who need it. The indigenous peoples need to heal, and the least the government could do to help is have the healing programs open and available. 

Residential schools have caused Indigenous peoples lots of trauma. Chapter One from the book “Legacy” outlines the sheer terror and fear caused by Residential schools. Residential schools tore the culture away from the Indigenous child. The children were taken away from the homes at age 3-5 and were taken to a Residential school. Where they were taught that everything they knew about their culture was bad and unacceptable and were forced to change. They were sexually, mentally and physically abused. And it went on till they turned 14-16 years old. When they returned to their family’s, they were strangers to them. In “Legacy” it tells of the pure trauma the residential schools caused all the indigenous peoples. Even today, the government has given little to no responsibility for what they did to these people. No amount of money can make up for what they did. They utterly tried to demolish a culture and have had no penalty since doing