• ECS 102

    Self Analysis: I AM Privileged

    I. Socioeconomic status is a relevant topic in today’s society. It essentially measures one wealth. From the American physiological association, they define socioeconomic status as follows “Socioeconomic status is the social standing or class of an individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation. Examinations of socioeconomic status often reveal inequities in access to resources, plus issues related to privilege, power and control.”(https://www.apa.org/topics/socioeconomic-status) In my story https://edusites.uregina.ca/hallefannon/2021/02/09/we-are-all-just-people-on-a-floating-sphere/ I talked about the time I realized this topic was even a topic. I spoke about when I realized some people are wealthier than others, and when I say that, I do not mean that in a mean and…

  • ECS 102

    No More Gender: Discussion Provocation #3

    The world we live in today has been divided into two genders, male and female. An example of this occurring is clothing. You can walk into a clothing store or shop at any store online. And it is divided into two genders. Women and men sections, but I can’t help but ask why that is? I mean, the world as a whole has come a long way into forming inclusion to all genders and sexual orientations, but there are still walls standing blocking the full inclusion for all. Overall, colonialism is a massive part of our society. The thought that there are still people worldwide blocking the full inclusion for…

  • ECS 102

    Sparkly Pink Dress

    It was a hot summer day, I was going into kindergarten and my mom had taken my sister and me to Saskatoon for the day for a dentist appointment. I was always so excited to go to the city because we didn’t go that often and it was so much more fast-paced and exciting compared to little old Melfort, Saskatchewan. We went to the mall and started at Children’s Place. The anticipation of walking there had me so excited because my mom had always told me about how fun it was. This store happened to be my mom’s favourite for buying my sister and I’s clothing, which I had never…

  • ECS 102

    First Day of Grade 6

    It was the first day of 6th grade; mom dropped me off because it was a special day, so I didn’t have to ride the bus this morning. However, that did mean I got to school right at the bell, so no time to chat or play outside with my friends. I run inside, eager as ever, looking for my classroom and nervous about meeting my teacher. I’m at the very end of the hall this year because I was the oldest in the school, I remember realizing. I enter my class and am greeted to see my friends Kelsey, Sydney, Alexis and Charlotte. I quickly look for my assigned…

  • ECS 102

    We are all just people on a floating sphere

    It was a brisk September morning in 2011, the bell had just rung for recess, and I, along with all my classmates rush out of our classrooms to be greeted with the abundance of children in the boot room. We all are touching, bumping and hitting each other, trying our best to throw on our outside shoes. As light breaks through the open door to the outside world, we are greeted with warmth as the sun has hit our skin for the first time this morning. Every child in that entire building has squeezed through the tiny one-person doors and is feeling free. I start by taking my chances near…

  • ECS 102

    I’m Late Again

    I arrive at school at 8:50 am on a brisk snowy December morning. I should have left earlier; mom told me it snowed last night, I think to myself as I park my car in the farthest spot. I open my middle compartment to grab a stick of gum while listening to my hype song of the week. I shut off my car and grab my keys and my binder. I look for anyone I know who I can walk with, and I finally spot Sydney, we start rambling about how cold it is, yet neither of us is wearing a winter coat or proper winter attire at all. By…