
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Malcolm X


I attended all my education in Melfort, Saskatchewan. I firstly attended Reynolds Central School from grades kindergarten to grade 6. I was involved in this school as vice president for house leagues; I was also involved in peer mediation for playground supervision. This age for all students is a very vulnerable and critical time period. For me, personally, at the age of 9 years old and in grade 3, I was severely behind in school. I could not read or write; as my grandma always tells me to this day, I wrote gibberish. Once learning about how behind I was in school and my learning disability, my parents enrolled me with a tutoring company called Sylvan Learning. Here they administer an assessment to understand where you are at in your learning development. They discovered I was severely behind at a kindergarten level. The next 5 years of my life were dedicated to the sylvan learning program while still attending school. I would attend sylvan learning every day for 4 hours in the morning and then attend school in the afternoons. We drove 1 hour each way to attend sylvan. It was exhausting; I can’t express the amount of times id cry every night at the kitchen table trying to understand the material. When I was going into grade 7, I then attend a high school called Melfort comprehensive collegiate. Here I was involved with SAA; I attended the SLC conference. In grade 8, I was finally back on grade level; however, I still did have many challenges. I have a hard time remembering lots of information, for example, classes like history to biology. I have always hated school, never wanted to go, let alone do the work. However, once hitting grade 12, I could see the end of the tunnel closing in, and reality hit. I didn’t really want to grow up yet, I mean, I’ve looked forward to being done for so many years, but once it was around the corner, I didn’t want it to end. Then Covid – 19 hit. And I was done school 4 months early due to the ongoing pandemic. I worked so hard to walk across the stage and be handed my diploma; it’s all I’ve looked forward to for the past 10 years. And it didn’t happen. Today I am attending the University of Regina, where I am pursuing a degree in Education. I could not be more proud of where I am today, and all I have accomplished so far. I am unbelievably excited to see where the rest of this new journey takes me.

Education Experience:

My education experiences are mostly throughout high school, as I stated above, but some are outside school. I have been a babysitter throughout high school; I also was an assistant coach in grades 11 and 12 for younger children playing volleyball. Lastly, this past summer, I got a summer job with the City of Melfort to become a community ambassador. Our job was to put on summer events for all ages of kids throughout the city. We also hosted day programs at the splash parks Monday-Friday, with lots of crafts and physical activities for children. This job, for sure, has opened my eyes to the world of teaching. This job has taught me lots of valuable lessons and taught me how to communicate and handle children. My education experiences aren’t a lot, but I have learned from every single one of them.