It’s a no from me, Dawg.

So far the tools that I feel are the most useful are all the features of office suites and we have discussed this at length. If I was an online/remote/distance setting teacher, which I’m not, these would be relied upon so heavily by me. Without them I really don’t know how we would go about things. How do you hand in an assignment, wait… how do you even create something without some form of platform like a word/google doc/ or PowerPoint/slides? There are other parties that make systems, which I’m sure would have to be adopted if there isn’t access to a suite. I guess a student could always create something physically and then take a picture of something and email it in with a description, but does that do something justice?

If I had to move to becoming a digital teacher, I firmly believe that I could do it with or without video meetings. Ex. zoom, google meets, teams, etc. While I could just post everything on a google classroom or on EDSBY for the students to follow along on their own, would that really work? It may work in the university setting for some, it has been debated in a couple different group discussions I’ve been in for this class, but I think elementary students and high school students would definitely struggle/wouldn’t always be on the ball/honest with following along. Heck, I know myself when I had to do university classes in my undergrad, I certainly took advantage of the system and did the bare minimum. I passed, but is that what we want for our students?

The counter to this would be using a zoom, google meet, etc. but is this also always the best option. When it comes to forming some kind of meaningful connection with a student I think it is highly important. The ability to just discuss things in person takes so much of the extra background work, like emails and waiting on responses, out of the picture. While I’m confident I could get things done the other way, I just don’t think it is conducive to the best learning environment. As discussed with my peers, we don’t think zoom meetings are necessarily the best, but they are certainly better than nothing.

A challenge I might face is not being able to reach all my students. Technology issues/availability aside, it is hard to tell online if everyone is engaged in the learning material. In class I can tell if someone is not paying attention or having a bad day and can adjust. Digitally this is difficult, not impossible, but is still such a pain in the butt. Not everyone has camera’s, it may be harder to pick up facial cues on the tiny boxes that show their face, and some are less likely to ask questions in the moment and send messages/emails later, which creates extra work.

All the models and examples used by the group that presented were fantastic, but I would prefer to use them alongside teaching in person. Not only would I feel like my teaching and the students learning would suffer, but I feel like my overall happiness/satisfaction with teaching would completely deplete and I would move onto something else. During the height of COVID many of my colleagues would rant about the frustration of online teaching. Admittedly, many were ill-equipped to be able to do this. a lack of knowledge and experience were definite causes of this, but again like me, most of them just preferred to be with the kids. There are multiple resources given to us by the group, but I still don’t think this would fill this void. The tools would work, I have no doubt about it, but while they work I just don’t think I would be happy in the environment. This is based off the experience that I already have had with it during COVID and taking digital classes through the university.

This post was more a reflection on my own feelings, so apologies for a lack of any links. This was certainly a deep dive into my own relationship with long-term digital learning.


3 thoughts on “It’s a no from me, Dawg.

  1. I thought this was great. I possibly feel this way because I completely agree. The tools we were presented with are great and can support in many aspects of teaching but even our most privileged students would struggle to engage. Most high school students do not engage on their own so I think they would really struggle online. I use edpuzzle for engaging video lessons but I use it in the classroom to promote discussion! The collaboration or discussion is so important in person! I would also HATE teaching online. I became a teacher to make a difference and teach about content I love. I understand online is still teaching but it doesn’t feel like it for me. It feels distant and impersonal. It is GREAT for adult education for people with careers but in my opinion no other age level.

  2. Hi Greg,
    I agree with you that elementary and high school students will struggle if they learn online.
    In the last discussion I had with my peers, we also discussed the effects that online learning has on students. We said that online learning can be successful for some while presenting challenges for others. Personally, I think online learning should not be allowed for elementary grades unless in exemption time or circumstances, such as Covid 19. We, teachers, teach our students not just the academics but much more than that. Social skills, manners, regulating their emotions, and solving a problem are part of our everyday teaching. For us to help our students, they need to be in the school, surrounded by their peers and teachers; otherwise, they will struggle.
    My undergrad in Canada and Albania was face-to-face. For my master’s degree, though, I took only the first class face-to-face, and all the rest of the classes have been online. I will be honest with you: I love online courses. Working two jobs, being a mom, a wife and a student simultaneously is not easy. When you try to save any minute to fulfill your duties, login online 5 minutes before the start of the class saves time and energy. Anyway, this is just a personal preference.
    Ultimately, my experience has led me to favour online learning for myself and graduate degree students, but not for elementary and high school students.

  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. COVID was a poignant moment for all teachers. I also heard many teachers discuss how they wanted to be in the classroom and not their living room. My grade-alike teachers and myself would have weekly meetings that eventually ended up at this topic. This is all to say that we are ok with technology, but not when it creates a divide between us and our students. When I returned from mat leave, I had to complete all of the beginning of the year procedures with my students, and a lot of that was technology based. The first time I actually taught a lesson was freeing. It was like finding your favourite sweater that you lost a year ago, and found it right where you last wore it. Technology is a great tool, but it is simply that. A tool. It can’t be a replacement for teaching. The connections we make with our students can be monumental or miniscule. But they are just that: human connections. We may not reach every student, much like digital teaching. Unlike digital teaching, it is not simply a screen staring back at you.

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