The school I am in honors diversity in many ways. They seem to make an effort to ensure that all students feel included in all the activities. In my class in particular, there are many teacher’s aides that help out in the classroom. These adults are important because they help keep an eye on students who may be struggling and they offer extra help and guidance. There is also a teacher that comes into the classroom and takes several students (that the teacher recommends) who need additional help with reading and writing. This is a great way to honor the diversity of home lives.
I think that my school does a wonderful job in honoring diversity and encouraging inclusiveness. The school gives off a very welcoming environment and the students seem to feel the same way. They are excited to come to school and they don’t seem to worry that their differences will be used against them. Instead their differences are supported and make them feel unique. This is what I have observed so far and I am amazed by the way the school handles diversity.