March 17, 2023 0 By Jolaoluwa Raji

I opposed even before the debate by simply considering this matter because the words “technology” and “equitable society” were involved. I agree that technology has brought about advancements and inventions, but it does not and cannot bring about an equitable society.

Has technology improved society? YES

Technology has advanced healthcare in a way that their provisions better access to healthcare services, and improve health outcomes, particularly for local communities (e.g, telemedicine and other digital health technologies). Technology has also made it easier for people to communicate, and access information and knowledge that was previously difficult to obtain, thereby improving education opportunities.  Additionally, technology has produced new economic options for those who were previously shut out of regular employment, like internet entrepreneurship and remote work.

What then is an equitable society?

An equitable society is a society in which everyone has access to the same opportunities, resources, and rights, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status and other characteristics. People are not hindered or disadvantaged in an equitable society by their circumstances. This implies that everyone has equal access to fundamental necessities like healthcare, job, housing, and education. Also, it implies that there is no bias or discrimination based on personal traits and that everyone has an equal chance to achieve and make a positive contribution to society.

An equitable society values and honours the individual experiences and contributions of people from all origins. It advocates for social justice and acknowledges that to establish true equity, historical and systemic inequities must be addressed.

equality means all text quote written on wooden signpost by the sea. Positive pink turqoise pastel theme.

Would society be equitable anytime soon?

My response is “NO,” and the reason is that, in Karl Marx’s view, the affluent are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer because some people have advantages that others do not.

It is challenging to predict when a fully equal society will be realized because it is a complicated and continual process. While many areas have seen improvement, there is still much to be done to address systematic injustices and advance social justice. However, there are many individuals, organizations, and communities working tirelessly towards this goal to raise awareness, advocate for change, and support marginalized communities.

Can technology solve the equality problem in societies?

Although technology has the potential to help reduce inequality, it is not a perfect answer to the many socioeconomic problems that cause inequality. The advancement of fairness and social justice is aided by technology and other advancements. For instance, improvements in education technology can help close the digital divide and give impoverished communities access to educational materials. Social media and other communication technologies can also encourage public awareness of and participation in social justice concerns.

Inequality can be addressed in part by using technology to improve access to opportunities and resources including employment, healthcare, and education. Technology can also promote or worsen inequality, so it is not a panacea for all societal problems. While some types of inequality can be addressed with the help of technology, it is essential to make sure that technology is developed and implemented ethically and fairly with an emphasis on addressing rather than sustaining existing inequities. This calls for a dedication to social justice, diversity, and inclusion as well as continual monitoring and assessment of how technology is affecting society.

Access to technology, socioeconomic status, and governmental policy, for example, can all have an impact on how equality is affected by technology. To emphasise fair access to technology and reduction of any potential negative effects, politicians and society as a whole must ensure there isn’t unequal access to technology and internet connectivity because it can exacerbate already-existing disparities.

Achieving an unequal society requires continual work, and cooperation from people, communities, and institutions. It requires a dedication to eliminating oppressive systems and ensuring that everyone has access to fundamental human rights as well as the ability to live with dignity. It will be necessary to acknowledge and deal with systemic injustices, foster diversity, and inclusion, and promote social justice-promoting laws and practices. Progress towards an equal society is feasible with persistent effort and dedication, however, it’s unlikely to happen right away.

People Hands Joining Their Fist To Form Circle