My name is Jayden Lang. I was born and raised in the city of Melville. Throughout my childhood, I was involved with the community with various sports and activities, as well as taking part in programs my elementary school promoted. As school became busier, I focused my time on school and volleyball. For Grades 10,11 and 12, I played volleyball for the Melville Comprehensive Schools Senior Girls Team. While I was playing volleyball, I also assistant coached the Junior Girls Team for volleyball and eventually was the main coach for the “B Team”. I also played club volleyball in Yorkton for 3 years for the same team, creating many memories along the way.
After graduation, I attended Yorkton Parkland College for Kinesiology, taking classes from both the University of Regina and the University of Saskatchewan. As I was enrolled in Kinesiology, I quickly realized that the area of study was not my calling. As I was brainstorming career options, the option that always came to mind was education. I chose education as my field of study because I found the opportunity to teach others to be fun, so within little time I applied to the University of Regina for the secondary education program taking my major in mathematics with a minor in social studies. Also, during this time, I continued to assistant coach but for the Senior Girls Volleyball Team instead.
Aside from school, I regularly return home to my family. As I am close to both my Mom, Dad, and little brother (he’s 3 years younger than me and definitely much taller than me so he is not that little), it is a good stress reliever to go home and talk to them. Also, my brother plays for the Melville Comprehensive Senior Boys Volleyball Team, where I am his biggest fan.
My interests include…
Music (specifically country)
Watching movies (my favourite movie being When the Game Stands Tall)
Taking Photos
Going for walks (with my dog, of course)