Hey there!
Well this week, I decided it was time for me to start tasting the fruits of my labour! Most of my lettuce and herbs are still a bit small to harvest, but I’ve had my eyes on this one big bunch of lettuce for the past couple days now!
So I found this PDF resource posted by Tennessee Urban Farm which said I could harvest lettuces around 45 days after planting (or whenever they are big enough for your needs). They described two harvest methods, either plucking individual leaves and letting the lettuce regrow, or pulling up the entire plant. My plants are too far along for the plucking method, so I’ll be taking the whole head. I liked the document, but wanted more info before I ripped anything out of the tower, so I looked up this video on YouTube that was on the Tower Garden channel. It had great visuals and voiced over instructions, which is exactly what I want our of my instructions!
I pulled out the whole plant by the net-pot and snipped the roots away from the net-pot to allow for easy removal of the lettuce head. It looked great and smells so fresh! I thought it was really cool seeing how long to roots got too. Can’t wait for this in some salad tonight!