All About Me!

Hello everyone! My name is Jules van den Berg and I go by the pronouns she/hers. I grew up just outside of Regina, Saskatchewan in White City, Saskatchewan. I would consider that I have a little bit more than a basic understanding of educational technology. Since I am from a younger generation I feel like I have had to use technology more than others which taught me how to use different applications. I love using social media such as TikTok and Pinterest for ideas on many different things. I also believe that many social media platforms are a great way to interact with other people, learn different things, and see people from different perspectives.  In addition, I like using platforms such as YouTube to search for tutorials on how to do something. I am very excited to learn more about educational technology in this class. 

Although I do not regularly blog, I believe that blogging can be an amazing educational tool to offer people creativity and being able to share ideas with others. Like the learning project we are doing this semester, it allows people to share and explore something they are passionate about with others. Blogging can also help people connect with others, learn new things, or see different perspectives. I am excited to gain more knowledge about blogging in this class. I also am excited to see other people’s blog posts and learning projects throughout this semester. 

I think blogging has also evolved over the years. Before it seemed that blogging used to be through websites but now you can find various forms of blogging like vlogs, TikToks, and podcasts. The nice thing about blogging evolving is that it can be a visual platform as well instead of just a written one. Growing up, I would watch many different vloggers on YouTube. My favourite vlogger is Emma Chamberlain. I sometimes will use blogs as well to look for other people’s opinions on certain things. For example, I was trying to determine what travel backpack I should buy for my trip to Europe next summer. After I found one on TikTok that seemed popular I searched why I should choose that backpack. Many of the websites I found were from bloggers who travel or hike and why they would recommend that particular backpack.  

Thank you for reading my introduction blog post!

Photo of Me
Photo of Jules van den Berg

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