Your white privilege doesn’t just simply go away by not acting racist. People are so quick to prove they’re not racist because of how “bad” that is, yet they completely ignore or disregard systemic racism in our country and government. The white privilege one holds is evident immediately with the ability to say Canada has no systemic racism. It is there, you just have the white privilege in not seeing it because you aren’t affected by it. People of colour face systemic racism in their daily lives. Becoming educated on one’s white privilege and systemic racism is key to having all people in our society work together to rid the discrimination and inequality in a country that is untruly known as being completely equal to all peoples, regardless of race.

            When discussing white fragility, we can see people’s uncomfortableness to talk about race in our society. People often don’t want to believe that these aspects are so prevalent even in todays world. Ignoring the issue because it’s uncomfortable to talk about is not helping anyone so these uncomfortable conversations need to be had. For people of colour, there is no doubt about systemic racism in their society because it is very evident in their lives.

            The “bad apple” theory shows racism as an individual thing. It claims that racism only exists in todays society because of a few bad people. This belief tries to reduce the strength that racism and racist tendencies actually hold on all aspects of our life.

Whiteness is a racial construct article –