This is my aesthetic representation from my Truth and Reconciliation Assignment. Here is a description of what it is showing.

For my aesthetic representation of my journey towards reconciliation I found it important to emphasize my main point. That through education, people have power. As the people of this country, Canadian’s have the power to stop cultural discrimination. With this knowledge of Residential Schools in mind, they can stop the damage that discrimination has. Without discrimination, all cultures can be embraced. My fellow teachers and I have the power to make Canada a better and safer place for all who are being discriminated against. Also, if future generations have a better knowledge on the First Nation’s culture, they can work towards helping First Nation’s get back all that was taken from them. This can help reconciliation begin to happen with the strengthening of the First Nation’s culture once again.

            On the bottom of my aesthetic representation, I have drawn a storm cloud and wind. The storm cloud represents the Residential Schools program that the Canadian government put the First Nations people through. It was a storm of assault and white supremacy that caused damagefor generations of First Nations people. The countless raindrops coming out of the storm represent the countless lives and families that were affected by this cultural genocide. The wind coming in from the left with reconciliation written through it. The wind is representing reconciliation blowing away the storm. This shows how reconciliation can help get rid of the Residential Schools effects. First Nation’s people can start healing from the damage of the storm. The storm and its effects will never be forgotten, but reconciliation can begin to help heal the affected families. Through education, Canadians have the power to ensure the storm never happens again.

As a border for my aesthetic representation I have drawn hands reaching out to each other. These hands represent unity. Through unity, the people of Canada are stronger and more powerful. We will be united after reconciliation has begun and equality of all cultures is gained. We can gain this strength through our united education. The hands being of all shapes and sizes show that you’re never too old or too young to learn. Just like how all ages of First Nation’s were affected by Residential Schools.