My 13 years of schooling were all in Wynyard. Till grade six I was taught at Wynyard Elementary School and then I was in high school from grade 7-12 at Wynyard Composite High School.

As I don’t remember much about elementary school, I’m going to share some impactful moments of my high school and university education. In my grade 8 year of high school I was impacted by my English teacher. In most English classes I was so used to being taught almost always about the technical aspects of writing only. We never really got the chance to just write. In this class my English teacher made a big emphasis on reading and writing. I was already a very dedicated reader, but I had never explored writing. Ever since that class I have been passionate about writing and I enjoy it very much. He always gave us options of what we got to write about and that helped to inspire and interest our class.

In grade 9 we got a new science teacher. I had never had a teacher who explained topics so clearly and thoroughly to their students. Having her as a science teacher from grade 9-12 really helped peak my interest and enjoyment in science.

My grade 10-12 History and Native studies teachers really started my love for history and impacted my decision to become a Social Studies major. Their care and insightfulness at exploring topics and events opened up a whole new love I never knew I had.

In August of 2020 I graduated! (see above image). I had been out of school since March due to the pandemic and our original graduation date in June had been cancelled. Finally, in this outdoor graduation ceremony I got to celebrate my educational journey and say a goodbye(from a distance) to my classmates and teachers. It saddens me that I never got to thank my teachers for all they have done for me. I’m so thankful to continue on all they taught me to my future students.

Now that I’m in university I have been amazed at how quickly my education has grown in only three months. I’ve been learning so much more about my educational beliefs, the geography of the world, how to write a good essay, European history, and Indigenous history in Canada. There is so much value to my role as a teacher in all of these topics and I’m so very grateful for this expansion of my knowledge. I look forward to so much more!