The pride you feel towards your students at every accomplishment they make is immense because you know just how hard they worked to get there. (Excerpt from my Autobiographical paper).

Teachers are the foundation of a classroom environment. They should use their educational abilities to create a safe, fair, positive, and caring environment. (Excerpt from my Focus Question Responses Assignment).

Discussions between students and the teacher would be a lot more open and non-judgemental if they felt during these discussions that their teacher was an equal. Sitting down in groups with students and having relaxed discussions is a great way to do this. (Excerpt from my Focus Question Responses Assignment).

In this class I have learned that if we keep hiding Canada’s horrible treatment of the First Nations from new generations, then it could very likely happen again. If we make Indigenous education in Canada a part of the curriculum in every grade, we can start to erase the negativity that is shown towards anyone who is different. Difference can be embraced and children can grow up understanding that the white European based way of living isn’t the only way of life or the best way of life. If we make these changes in our education system then we can stop the negative stereotypes of First Nation’s people and ensure what we did to them will never happen again. The superiority complex of the white European decent people needs to be removed from our society. (Excerpt from my Focus Question Responses Assignment).

We are all guests to the First Nation’s land and home, yet we still are teaching our students the bare minimum about their history and culture. As an educator I can see how horribly wrong this is and I know I need to fight for reconciliation. If we make the First Nation’s voices heard, valued, and appreciated, then and only then are we going to see reconciliation. This Truth and Reconciliation booklet is something I shall keep for my whole teaching career, and I hope one day I can look at it and smile knowing that our education system has fully incorporated First Nation’s education into our curriculum. (Excerpt from my Truth and Reconciliation Paper).

My journey to reconciliation is at quite a young stage. With most of my First Nation’s education being learned in the last year or two, I understand that I have a long way to go. There is much more for me to learn, hear, and strive towards. I hope to see student’s receiving First Nation’s education at a much younger age then I was taught about it. Children are never too young to be educated about equity. Equity is still something our country and people need to strive towards and as I continue on my journey to reconciliation, I hope to help integrate equity into the future generations. I hope to contribute towards discrimination being rooted out of our society. Educating society on these topics and seeing it make a difference in society is my main goal for my journey to reconciliation, because Education Is Power. (Excerpt from my Truth and Reconciliation Paper).