"Teaching is only demonstrating that it is possible. Learning is making it possible for yourself" - Paulo Coelho

Contribution of Learning for Myself and Others

The Accessibility of Online Learning through Zoom:

We used the video communication platform Zoom, accessible to this class through the varied perspectives on educational technology and media. Compared to other courses I have taken, the breakout rooms were meaningful, and you felt part of the community of learners. I would always have my camera on and try to participate wherever I felt comfortable on a topic. I enjoyed the discussions on digital literacy and AI because they were well described due to Katia’s passion for the subjects. Significantly, when the chat would move the conservation further toward discovery and where we all could have a good laugh at the simple things. Using a Metimeter and Booklet provided inquisitively fun in different ways to communicate!

I have used Discord before to talk with friends and other individuals online in groups following my hobbies. This is the first time a Professor has provided access to a community that they endorse and encourage people to comment on as a part of a grade. It was well managed, and I participated as much as possible, from introducing myself to asking questions and answers to figuring out unique situations with my learning project. I wish I had commented more, but I am happy about what I did! The problem was that so many classmates would answer the same person’s questions that you didn’t want to copy someone else’s response. The resource-sharing sections were used a few times, and they provided fantastic support like PDF to Brainrot, countries banning Social Media/TikTok, articles about AI, and more about Digital Footprint. In all, it shows potential in bringing people together with learning and great educational usage that I will keep in mind if I ever teach high school because it is too advanced or unsafe for elementary students!

How I contributed to Discord this term:


September 16th, 2024-


October 3rd, 2024- 


October 29th, 2024-


November 5th, 2024-


December 3rd, 2024-


One of the most prominent aspects of this class was replying to classmate’s posts. I enjoyed the variety of projects, including cooking, canning, ASL, French, Whittling, learning songs, and so much more! The different perspectives and kinds of posts opened my eyes to how I wanted my learning to be transformed into blog form. Knowledge on the Global Web can happen through pictures, videos, and other forms of digital storytelling. It was nice to see the progress and moments in posts that you just connect to because we aren’t that different of individuals. I succeeded by commenting 6 to 8 times per week, and I was rewarded with my support for them commenting on my own posts. Classmates enjoyed my evolution of posts with pictures, step-by-step processes, including the recipe ingredients in the post (not just the link), and fun little sections on the history of the food. It was also lovely to thank commenters for seeing my cooking and baking from Kade’s Kitchen. I always asked for new recipes or ideas and sometimes got questions. So, you always have to be present for your fans, and I wouldn’t have done it without them!

Here are my replies to other people’s posts in Alphabetical order from the Contributors list:

Alyssa M

October 22, 2024 at 3:39 PM Hi Alyssa!

  • Instagram Reels are awesome and addicting! I enjoyed the ways that you connected them to the classroom with journalism and other classes. Tips and tricks help students and even teachers learn new skills. I will probably have to give these short-form videos a chance!

October 29, 2024 at 4:26 PM

Hi Alyssa!

  • A rose is one of my favourite plants; your plushie is no exception! The fact that you made it shows significant developments in learning. I also enjoyed the cat with it on since I have two cats, and they bring joy to my world! Awesome, work this week!

November 17, 2024 at 9:09 PM

  • I loved the Duck Song when I was younger. The plushie is so cute; now your cat has a new friend! Keep up the talented work!

November 26, 2024 at 4:53 PM

Hi Alyssa!

  • Those are fantastic plushies of Deadpool and Wolverine that any superhero or movie fan would love! Memories and homemade gifts are so special for everyone involved. Keep up the excellent work, and I can’t wait to see what you create next!



Dec 3rd


  • This is a fantastic and informative post! Games are fun and a great way to learn anything about languages. However, they only motivate the person to get the questions right. Sadly, the best things always cost a leg and arm to work effectively.


Nov 19th

Hi Amie!

  • Learning moods in French is fun and essential for the learning process. I will have to look at some of Alexa’s videos; thanks for sharing this source. Keep up the great work!

Oct 29th

Hi Amie!

  • Since I am currently in FRN 100, I always try to look into your re-learning of the language. I have heard about Emily in Paris, and it would be an excellent way for a person to get used to French. Picking up the ins and outs of culture through video/streaming piqued my interest. Keep up the fantastic work!

Oct 8th

Hi Amie!

  • I have enjoyed reading about your journey with French so far. I am in FRN 100 and wondered if I should use the app to learn more as a beginner. I have gotten a few units into Duolingo and wondered about the Super features. However, as you said, $119 does not seem worth it! I wish you continued success on this learning project and with Duo (he can get angry if you don’t do your streak every day)!

Briana L 

Nov 26th

  • I will have to follow your lead with AI to learn for this project! Challenges are still a part of the learning process and provide an example of ways humans do stuff better than it. Keep up the great work!

Nov 17th

Hi Briana!

  • I also think Reddit is a good source, but its toxic users bring down learning purposes for me. The beading tracing method seems efficient and is in the spirit of the holidays involving the BC Lions. I always look forward to reading your posts, and keep up the remarkable artistic works!

Nov 4th

Hi Briana!

  • The poppy is elegant and beyond respectful for November 11th (probably the Friday before if you are at school). I enjoyed that you are showing growth with ways to improve future creations. Excellent progress and fantastic beading!

Nov 4th

Hi Briana!

  • This is an outstanding post-contribution to learning and respecting Remembrance Day! Showing confidence during each beading petal and perseverance when frustrated. Keep up the great work, and I can’t wait to see the final product!

Sept 30th

Hello Briana!

  • Beading seems like such a fun and creative learning project! I have always been interested in this form of art because of its connection to Indigenous culture and Canada. I can’t wait to see more, especially your poppy and other examples!


Nov 20th

Hi Cale!

  • The Sweet Potato Soup looks fantastic and delicious. I will have to give it a try sometime! The video is a great way to showcase your learning. Good luck with the rest of your recipes for this class!


Oct 1st

Hello Carlos!

  • I enjoyed this week’s learning project post about Tree Straid Braids! Remarkably, the determination and reflection you are doing for your future daughter. You are going to be a super teacher and dad! I can’t wait to see your progress next week!

Oct 8th

Hi Carlos!

  • I have always enjoyed reading about your adventure in braiding, and this week did not disappoint! This website and videos seem informative and great tools for learning the five tips mentioned. I also noticed that painting applies to my project, and inquisitiveness increases a person’s learning skills. I can’t wait to see more from you!

Carson B

Nov 27th

Hi Carson!

  • I love anything with Fish and enjoy making it or ordering from a restaurant. The different approach to cooking was eye-opening for me because I like to stay relatively close to recipes. Keep up the great work in the kitchen!


Oct 22th

  • This is a fantastic post about Smores and the use of SAMR! I have always wondered about its use for education besides as a monthly newsletter. I can’t wait to read more of your blog!

Elyse W

Nov 28th

  • Olivia Rodrigo would be so proud of how you learned about her work for this learning project. The final product of Vampire sounds so beautiful and is a testament to your talent! I wish you all the best in future music and teaching endeavours!

Nov 12th

Hi Elyse!

  • Your journey on the piano is quite exciting to watch, and it must be exhilarating! The chorus in Vampire sounds terrific, and I can’t wait to hear the singing.

Oct 29th

Hi Elyse!

  • I found memories of using iMovie during physics class in high school for the final projects! It seems like you got it under control when learning Vampire. Keep moving forward with the chords, and you will continue doing great things!

Oct 1st

Hello Elyse!

  • The mentions of family and learning the joys of music fill my heart with joy for you. These memories on the farm are probably moving you forward in this learning project! Also, excellent song choice, and I wish you continued luck in picking up this old skill of yours again!


Oct 29th

Hi Fathima,

  • Recipes associated with loved ones are the best and most comforting dishes anyone can eat! For me, it is a basic grilled cheese sandwich and homemade soup. It looks yummy; I will have to try it sometime. Great job!


Oct 23rd

Hi Jaylyn!

  • Canva is something that I used quite a bit on assignments, so I quite enjoy your exploration of it each week! The templates and presentation are something that I will look into when I start my Pre-Internship in my third year. Anyway, keep doing great things with this blog!


Nov 4th

Hi Jerome,

  • I also enjoy growing things in the garden! What salad with lettuce is your favourite? Fabulous pictures and posts!

~Kade Aseltine


Nov 27th

  • I am fascinated by using a homemade recipe and perfecting it with technology. I love Cupcakes and will have to make them sometime! I can’t wait to see what you make next!

Nov 20th

Hi Jules!

  • I had never heard of Shakshouka before this post, and it looks like a yummy breakfast. The recipe’s time efficiency is spectacular and exciting for beginners. I can’t wait to see what you make in your kitchen next week!

Nov 12th

Hi Jules!

  • The Grinder Sandwich looks yummy and trendy for TikTok! I also like to eyeball or reduce/add more of certain ingredients in my recipes. Tomatoes are not my favourite sandwich topping, so they would not be on mine either. Keep up the fantastic work and blog posts!

Nov 5th

Hi Jules!

  • I will surely try the recipe whenever I crave mac and cheese. This is an excellent step-by-step exploration and learning post on using TikTok in the kitchen. Keep up the incredible and mouth-watering work!

Oct 22nd

Hi Jules!

  • I am also doing my project in the kitchen, and you seem motivated to reach your goals. I must admit that Carrot Cake is not usually one of my favourite desserts, but I might try it again! iMovie is an excellent demonstration of SAMR, and it can be fun to use for assignments.


Dec 4th

  • Wrapping gifts is not my favourite thing, but you do it efficiently. I think it looks glorious, and if the receiver enjoys the present, then it would be an A+ in my books. I enjoy the determination and preservation of your learning project. Keep up the fantastic work!

Nov 27th

  • The wrapping looks fantastic and so creative! Your progress from the start of the learning project to now will make Christmas look even better. Keep up the great work!

Oct 8th

Hi Kacey!

  • I can relate to the struggle of gift wrapping during the holiday season and even birthday parties! It looks great, in my opinion, because the recipient’s opening would be more effortless. Also, I understand the frustration of watching tutorial videos, and that can be a problem since you want it done quickly. I’ll have to keep checking your blog; this is awesome!

Kamden L 

Nov 26th

Hi Kamden!

  • Practice is good, and falling back only motivates a person to continue learning. The Rubick Cube is a curious mechanical piece of fun and shows dedication to growth. Keep up the fantastic work!

Kenzie B

Nov 12th

Hi Kenzie!

  • Fun and creativity on the piano are fantastic to hear; it must be music to your ears! I enjoyed how you modified the choice of video to show growth in yourself because you know what is best for you. Keep up the inspiring musical progress and blog posts!

Nov 5th

Hi Kenzie,

  • Billy Joel is such an amazing musician with fantastic songs! I want to go to Madison Square Garden and listen to him live one day. You persevere with the struggles of learning, and that is nice to see. I hope your work on the end of verse one and the whole of verse two goes well!


Nov 12th

Hi Lily!

  • Blizz’s bunny fashion is so cute, showcasing in-depth learning of jacket patterns. What would you suggest for someone who has never crocheted? I can’t wait to see the variety in future projects. Keep up the great work!

Oct 8th

Hi Lily!

  • I love the pun-title; it is so funny! Crocheting is a great learning project. I always see wobbles in stores, and they look fun with all the unique varieties. The two-in-one of YouTube and TikTok is something that I never thought of using for my learning project. You could try to make coasters or a washcloth; these are just some suggestions! I look forward to seeing what you have next!

Makenna H 

Dec 4th

  • It sounds like a cozy and festive time with tea, watching the Grinch, and making ornaments! They will look great on any Christmas tree as a gift that anyone would remember. Keep up the tremendous homemade work; success has paid off!

Nov 26th

Hi Makenna!

  • I understand what you mean about final projects, and it’s okay to have a lacklustre week. The painting of the X’s & O’s looks creative and crafty! Keep up the fantastic work; I can’t wait to see the Ornaments!

Miranda H 

Oct 8th

Hi Miranda

  • Of course, you know this, but mistakes and failures are part of the learning journey. Growing with my project is a goal of mine, and you demonstrated it with this post. The cards are beautiful, and I am sure that the creativity you put into them translates into your classroom. Greatness is on the horizon for this project, and I can’t wait to see it manifest!

Morgan H 

Nov 30th

  • I always try to achieve a growth mindset and mindfulness daily! However, I have never considered it from an educational perspective, and students have a lot on their plates. I will watch the video and provide a better worldview of my aspiration to one day have a safe space for all students, not just middle school students. Keep up the fantastic and mind-provoking posts!

Nov 5th

Hi Morgan!

  • This is a great post because, as you said, people’s brains often get distracted from the important things around them. I would know that as I am a procrastinator, I try my best to improve daily. Following your advice, I will be mindful of awareness to build positive connections and strengthen my purpose. Thanks for the insightful post!

Olivia H 

Nov 12th

Hi Olivia!

  • Dips are great food, and TikTok has a lot of recipes for them. The different creators on video platforms have made cooking and baking fun to learn! It looks yummy, and keep up the incredible work!

Peter S 

Nov 20th

Hi Peter!

  • The evergreen wooden craved tree looks fantastic. Difficulty is an excellent part of growth in the persevering learning process. I can’t wait to see the shaped knives; keep up the incredible work!

Oct 2nd

Hello Peter!

  • Excellent work on all of the whittling this week! I also recommend video learning, especially since there is much information in shorter social media forms. You are doing much better than I would be, even with the difficulties. They help you grow into a stronger learner; I can’t wait to see your outcome and the carving videos!

Rob H 

Oct 29th

Hi Rob!

  • This is a great post and reflection on the timeline of technologies on the internet! A medium that many people have a love-hate relationship with, including myself. Heritage Minutes are one of my favourite things to watch, I will have to watch it!

Robin K

Nov 18th

Hi Robin!

  • Excellent post! I enjoyed the good, bad, and ugly points of the recipe you followed. I will have to venture out and try Tomato Jam sometime! I have helped my mother make sugar cookies and other Christmas goodies for friends and family. Keep up the hardworking task of canning; you are doing fantastic!


Nov 18th

Hi Yemi!

  • I enjoyed the creativity and craftsmanship that you showed this week with the art of cutting fabric. The step-by-step process and video are lovely visual touches to the learning project post. Keep up the fantastic work!

Now, here are my comments to the people who commented on my own posts from a certain point because I forgot to before and regretted it:





I wish everyone continued support and well-being in the future! Remember always to Seize the Day!

1 Comment

  1. Fathimunisa Farook

    Hello Kade,
    Your post shows a beautiful way of your contribution and learning from the class. As you have mentioned the break up rooms, make you feel a part in the community. Even I enjoyed the break up rooms and i mostly listened to others to gain more knowledge.

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