I believe….
- In the use of experimental learning for young children
- That classrooms and schools are the places to instill a growth mindset for future generations of learners
- In Inclusive Education, everyone should be accepted in society because they have abilities
- That “we are all treaty people” and must maintain Treaty Education for the different perspectives it provides
- Perfectionism only sets a person and educator back in life
- The art strands must connect to cross-curricula assignments, lessons, and projects
- As educators, we must provide a safe space for LGBTQ2S+ students and use appropriate welcoming language
- Seeking positivity in learners rather than negativity
- Setting expectations that are appropriate to the grade level and individual
- We have a right to speak up for future students in terms of education, community, and values
- Welcoming Two-Eyed Seeing and unique worldviews into my future classroom
- Finding connections in everyone providing their voice and actions to be heard/seen
- Adapting to stresses and accepting that change is a normal thing
- Questioning Common Sense Narratives
- The willingness to continuously learn and be knowledgeable as a learner