The Life of a Technological Addict and Procrastinator

Technology is all around us daily; it depends on how you use it to achieve objectives such as coursework, your job, or even your much-needed leisure time. I remember waking up and having breakfast from a toaster at a very young age. Then, I would watch cartoon shows before school in the morning and laugh with my favourite characters. To get to school, my parents would drive me into town, and I was constantly distracted by the radio’s music, especially during the cold winter months. My education focused on projectors, computers, ipads, and the information said in post one. After school was pretty much the same as in the early morning except for the trickling of homework before bed. As I got older, my view and reliance on tech strengthened, with social media becoming a bit of an addictive nature!

I frequently use online platforms for leisure, such as YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Reddit, Discord, and various video games. YouTube has become my new TV, with its algorithm of different creators that I enjoy watching. There is a lot of history/politics with the upcoming US election, commentary videos, comics, playthroughs, podcasts, and music. For coursework, I use it to review for tests and try to figure out how to do something in a math class. That said, I could spend hours on it without doing anything productive, which is a big problem for me. TikTok is the same for me as YouTube, and I often doom scroll on my FYP because of procrastination. I need the willpower to stop and be productive; I love and hate it simultaneously!

Meanwhile, Snapchat and Discord are used for my social interactions with friends, to chat about life interests, and to play video games. They often share videos complaining about something happening, and then I snap back to keep the streak alive! On Discord, my friends and I have crazy server names and conversations. At the same time, we talk and play video games like Dead by Daylight, Overwatch 2, Minecraft, and other indie games. It is helpful because most of us are at different universities or post-secondaries and could not physically be together during the school year! Side note: I also have used it for communication in group projects and joined servers for courses like this one. The last personal social media is Reddit, which I look at for other people’s opinions on my interests and even the Canadian Teacher community (it can sometimes be toxic). Sometimes, I post and comment occasionally, but I mostly lurk in the shadows. Next up is the online technology use in my academic life!

I use UR Courses the most with my classes and handing in assignments. It has the tools my student schedule needs to survive university now! I have a calendar to track my workload, even though I have a personal one to figure out how long I need to work on a task. Also, it has some of my readings, and I also use online textbook software, which helps me focus better than a physical book with my different coursework. I check my emails constantly and use them as reminders to get stuff done during the day. Other than that, I use Google Docs to write assignments because of the auto-saving feature, and I am accustomed to it. This has me wondering what is better, Microsoft Word or Google Docs for university? A feature or gadget I use for my writing is Grammarly, which helps my writing in ways I usually would not notice. Even though, as Katia said, it is frowned upon in some departments. As such, I use it cautiously because my professor for ENGL 110 was unsure if it was academic misconduct. This is due to the ever-changing world of AI and technology. Be careful; it can be the saving light or lead someone down a dark path!

The best way to minimize these constant distractions is to put my devices away in rooms and focus on the tasks that must be done. I look on social media only during special small breaks for snacks, water, or lunch/supper. I looked into Stay Focused and will use it on my laptop because it should help me complete my assignments without distraction. At night, I try to stay off technology or use it for only 30 minutes to an hour as a reward for doing work. Anyway, I can’t wait to read and comment on everyone’s posts! Have a great week, and seize the day!


  1. Jaylyn Bell

    Hi Kade!

    Thanks for sharing your many different elements experienced with technology!
    I am definitely a fellow YouTube/podcast consumer myself.
    I was unaware of all the things Discord is used for, thanks for explaining the ways in which you use it!
    Thanks for mentioning the StayFocused tool as well – sounds very helpful!

  2. Kamden Lahti

    Hi Kade, I can definitely relate to being lost scrolling. I like that you highlight both the positives and negatives of technology. Great to see you have the will-power to leave your devices in different rooms while doing your work, I always have my phone within arms reach.

  3. Peter Shoobert

    Hey Kade, great post. I found it super relatable. I especially liked the part where you mentioned using discord to connect with friends through video games because you can’t physically be together as they are in different schools! I play video games too and I think at this point in my life the only reason I still do is to connect with my friends who have moved away. While they are gone throughout the school year across the country I will join them online, but as soon as they are back in Regina, my ps5 collects dust! Thanks for sharing.

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