
Welcome to my sourdough journey! As part of my EC&I 831 course, I was tasked with an exciting project: to learn something new online. Initially, I found it challenging to decide on a focus because of the many skills I am eager to explore, such as mastering sourdough, experimenting with various cooking techniques, learning to drive a semi, playing the piano or guitar, and picking up sign language, French, or Spanish.

After much consideration, I chose to delve deeply into the art of sourdough, which will be the primary focus of this page. However, time permitting, I also plan to experiment with different meals and cooking styles along the way.

My sourdough adventure officially began on Thursday, January 16th, after immersing myself in numerous YouTube tutorials and conversations with experienced bakers. One video that particularly resonated with me is linked here: YouTube Video, and I’m thrilled to share it alongside my own sourdough starter journey.

Meet Crustopher, my sourdough starter, lovingly named by my daughter. I’m excited to nurture Crustopher and discover where this journey leads. Join me as I document my progress, experiments, and the delicious results of this new culinary venture.

Video of the creation of Crustopher. 

Karissa Beck

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