Month: May 2024

Redefining Education in the Digital Age

Times have undoubtedly changed, and the digital age has transformed education. As Michael Wesch highlights in the video, technology will significantly impact our future as it continues to grow daily, which in turn will impact schools and education. He explains how the new culture of participation is shifting world views, and collaboration is becoming crucial…

By Kate Johnson May 26, 2024 0

Flyers to Digital Newsletters

At first, I had difficulty deciding which resource to use, but I explored the list in the document, and one caught my eye called Smore. Smore is an online platform where you can create different types of documents, such as newsletters, flyers, and presentations. It can be an excellent resource for teaching, as you can…

By Kate Johnson May 22, 2024 2

Balancing Tech Use and Well-Being

Technology is a very useful tool, but it can also be very distracting. In my daily life, I am not on my phone that much, as I have, on average, three to five hours of screen time each day. However, some days, I find myself getting too caught up in various apps and news, making…

By Kate Johnson May 14, 2024 0

Journeying into Educational Technology

Hello everyone, My name is Kate Johnson, and I am currently pursuing an elementary education degree at the University of Regina. Once I finish my schooling, I plan to teach abroad for a couple of years. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, playing card or board games. I also…

By Kate Johnson May 12, 2024 1