Summary of Learning

There is something special about submitting the last assignment of the course – on the one hand, you are excited for the winter break; on the other hand, you realize that you will miss the classes that have taught you so much and the people who you shared that learning experience with.

Today, I am excited to present my summary of learning to you. Please enjoy the short video below and let me know what you think! 🙂

The tools and apps I utilized to create my summary of learning:

  • Instadoodle – an app I used to make doodle-like videos;
  • Microsoft Clipchamp – a video app I used to glue separate video snippets together and set up background music;
  • Video Editor – Video.Guru – an app I used to edit the clips I had recorded on my phone;
  • Vidma Recorder – an app that I recorded snippets of my screen for the clips where I talk on camera;
  • Openart AI – a website where I generated some of the images in the video;
  • Embedded voice recorder app on my phone – to record my voiceover of the doodle video clips.

The equipment that helped me create the video:

  • laptop
  • phone
  • ring light (to record the snippets where I talk on camera)

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr Katia and to each of my Educational Technology classmates for your invaluable contribution to my knowledge.

5 thoughts on “Summary of Learning

    1. Hi Raul, I really appreciate all of your support as well! 🙂 Happy Holidays, and we’ll see each other next semester!

  1. Kateryna,
    Wow what a great post. I love how you put all your information together. I hope to work with you again in the future.

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