The Problem of Common Sense – September 15
Kumashiro has different ways of realizing common sense. He realizes that common sense is different in different parts of the world. As he mentions, he is from America and is hired to be a teacher in Nepal. While reading about Nepal’s schools, I have to think about how different it is between different countries. Common sense is different everywhere, and it is also culturally based. The common sense there for learning is lecture-practice-exam. The students learn straight out of the textbook and have homework every night because that is common sense to them. Where we think how to teach here in North America is common sense to us; therefore, if we try to teach it somewhere else, it may not go over so well.
We put ourselves into a routine for common sense; we know what to do daily. For example, students go into the classroom, do their routine of putting away their belongings, and sit at their desks/tables. Common sense is not something you know right away; you gradually pick it up over time. It is something never taught, and it is never questioned either; everyone does it. It is essential to pay attention because common sense is different everywhere you go. Just between the different provinces, our common sense differs. Having students come from other parts of the world, we need to pay attention to their common sense concept and adapt that into our daily teachings and just daily school life.
There are many different common-sense understandings that I will be bringing. The main one is I want my future classroom to be judgement-free, seems pretty typical, but not a lot of classrooms that I have been in have been. I want to let my students stand or sit; however, they would like everyone to have different needs during the day. I will incorporate different ways of teaching. Being a future teacher with a learning disability, I figured out what works for another student who struggles and me over the years. Some students will need more guidance than others, but we will work to get them up to speed on everything.