Hip Hop Pedagogy – November 2
I never thought of hip hop being used as a tool to promote social justice and youth activism. I found this article very interesting and very eye-opening. Before reading this article, I would never have thought about incorporating hip hop into the classroom. “Since the early 1970s, hip hop has become one of the most influential, artistic, social and cultural movements for youth and young adults in the world” (Chang, 2005). After reading this, I realize how true that statement was. While going through school, my teachers would always put on the radio to play music, but there was never any hip hop. I have always been someone that has listened to hip hop and have learnt a lot from the music. Hip hop can be used to bring awareness to our classrooms. Hip hop can be great to help bring awareness to promoting culture in the classroom and building relationships. Using hip hop in the classroom can also help some students relate to either the teachers or even other students. From hip hop, students can learn about the history of the genre, racism, and differences amongst others. As students start to learn about all of that, they become more aware of their surroundings.
Akom A. (2009). Critical Hip Hop Pedagogy as a Form of Liberatory Praxis. Equity & Excellence in Education, 42(1), 52-66.
I think that it is so cool that hip hop can be integrated into schools. I remember in my schools that the teachers also did not play hip hop music when we listened in class. I agree that hip hop would promote a culturally inclusive attitude in the classroom.