The Marathon Of Hope

Published by rjk361 on

This story begins during grade six. It was finally the day for the school’s annual Terry Fox Run. Each year my elementary school would raise money for The Terry Fox Foundation, which raises money for cancer research. If the school raised enough money, the entire school would get ice cream! This would create competition amongst classmates, as each one would want to raise more money then the other. This was great because is created a fun, positive, caring environment in the classroom that included everyone. This was the one time where every student put their differences aside, and all worked together with the common goal of working towards the reward of ice cream.

From Kindergarten to Grade five, you were only allowed to walk to the near by park called French Park. Grades six to eight you were finally allowed to go for a long run, in honor of Terry Fox. Terry would run a marathon a day, with a goal of running across Canada in his Marathon Of Hope. All though Terry never finished, it was always an honor and a privilege to continue his legacy while doing this run. Terry would run in the rain, snow, or if it was freezing outside, it was the same for us, we were going on the run rain or shine. During the run, my friends and I, always tried to beat one another. We usually ran together, which is why it is such a fond memory of mine. During the first run, my friends and I started to notice that we were ahead of everyone, and going to be the first to complete the run. During the last block or so, we started to sprint, trying to beat one another. I unfortunately got last out of my friends, but that was besides the point. After the run, the school supplied everyone with a delicious freeze, which hit the spot because it was plus thirty outside. During my reflection of the run, I realized that the run meant a lot more than ice cream or a freeze. It meant helping another person fight the terrible disease, it meant a lot more than a twelve year old boy can comprehend.

The goal of the Terry Fox run is to carry on his legacy, and continue to raise money for cancer research. My elementary school raised over $8,000 for Terry’s foundation. This was a moment of time that I continue to look back on with a big smile on my face, because it really showed how a whole elementary school can come together, and give everyone hope. Cancer sucks, it takes loved ones from us too soon. Everyone knows someone that has had cancer, the problem is not just a Regina, Saskatchewan problem, it is not a Canadian problem, it is a worldwide problem. Being a proud Canadian, it makes me happy to see people come together to carry on Terry Foxes legacy to this day. My hope is to continue seeing positive change in schools, to better the community, and encourage student involvement outside the classroom.

Categories: ECS 102


Hello everyone, my name is Riley Knoll. I am currently a first year student at the University of Regina. I currently am enrolled in the faculty of Education, with hopes of one day graduating with a Physical Education and Mathematics Degree.

1 Comment

Halle Fannon · January 21, 2021 at 3:49 am

Hi Riley, I really enjoyed your blog post! You gave a lot of back story, which is awesome; I would maybe focus more on the specific moment in time on the next one. However, I was able to pinpoint your moment, which is good. I really like the part where you talk about racing to the finish line, and I like that you were honest enough to say you got last! Overall you did a great job. Just remember maybe not so much backstory and add a bit more detail, for example, talk about the smell, the way you were feeling for the run (nervous, excited, hot), talk about the vibrant green grass you may have been running on. Just add more descriptive detail, and it will really bring your story to life. Anyway, awesome story!

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