Canadian Digital Divide – Tech and Inequality

Turner, J. (2023, March 14). Bridging the gap: Unraveling the digital divide. Busrides.

Summary: “The digital divide refers to the gap between individuals or communities that have access to modern information and communication technologies (ICT) and those that do not.” (Turner, 2023). The article titled “Bridging the Gap: Unraveling the Digital Divide“ by Joshua Turner in 2023 addresses the digital divide global issue that connects access to the internet and low incomes, which in turn perpetuates the digital divide. Four common themes connected to his issue are lack of access to fast internet, limited technology training, short life of devices, and language barriers (Turner, 2023). The digital divide impacts Canadians, especially those in rural areas. The article offers four future-oriented solutions for Canadians: increasing technology access, offering training, supporting equitable policy, and investing in the private sector.

Evaluation: The article is connected to the Government of Canada website. It is posted in the Trending Technology blog space. The information on the blog space offers the amount of time it takes to read the article, which is 5 minutes. It was posted nine months ago, which means the information is relevant to today’s social climate. There are linked courses at the end of the blog that encourage users to become more digitally literate, helping to mitigate the digital divide. Turner also offers helpful secondary resources for continued research into the global issue. However, upon clicking Turner’s name at the end of the article, only other articles he has written are associated, and there is no biographical information.

Reflection: I believe the information in this article is relevant to my research on my debate topic, “Technology has not led to a more equitable society.” The article is related to my classmates’ climate, being related to Canada, as well as my experiences living in China. The digital divide perpetuates inequality in the world but is often portrayed as helping bridge the gap.


One thought on “Canadian Digital Divide – Tech and Inequality

  1. That article was an interesting read! The digital divide or gap is something I had never really thought of (a privilege I realize) until teaching during the pandemic. It was so important to be planning instruction that could meet the needs of all learners. Our school was loaning computers to families. I wonder now though.. what did families without internet access do even if they were loaned computers from the school?

    A quote from the article states: “Since 2017, educators in postsecondary institutions have been reporting that gaps in foundational technology skills among students are affecting academic performance.” It is assumed that students have technological literacies when they enter university as well as access to required technology. It is sad that technology has made it even harder for people growing up in poverty to leave that cycle. Even when people are making it to university- their financial situations can still be hindering their progress as learners. This point made me start thinking about the effect the digital divide has throughout a person’s entire learning career.

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