A Clay Bowl Pt 2

Hey guys!

If you have been following along, you Clay bowl and tic tac toe boardknow that a few weeks ago I tried to make a clay jack o lantern bowl and last week I painted it. The bowl came out a little rough around the edges, literally. It had cracks and was very uneven and thin in some areas. This week I decided I wanted to try making a bowl again with different techniques. My first plan was to make a little ball and start making a hole in the middle demonstrated by this video here on TikTok. The technique is called a pinch pot. This was way easier than what I tries last week. I was super happy with it. The clay is thicker and more even. There is also a really sturdy base on the bottom so my bowl won’t be wobbly when I decide to put something in it. I felt like I had more control when I was creating this bowl compared to what I did with my last one. Though it is still not perfect, I am much happier with this one and can really see the progress I have made. I like that about completing the same projects, it really helps you to see how you have gotten better at your craft! I would like to try and make a bigger one in the future. I am still unsure about how I am going to paint my little bowl, so if anyone has ideas please feel free to comment!

Also side note, when making the bowl I took a time lapse of it! You can find that below. This is my first time trying this technique! I also just learned how to embed a video! I am learning more than just clay this week.

I was going to try another bowl technique as well, but I ended up being so happy with how this one turned out that I didn’t feel like I even needed to. So instead of another bowl, I decided to try to make one of the things I’ve been wanting to for a really long time: a tie tac toe board! I see these all over social media and they’re adorable. I have been holding off because they seem kinda difficult to do. But I told myself I can do hard things and went right ahead. I found a tutorial on Pinterest and it was really easy to follow despite no voice instructions. The dish itself was actually not too bad to make because it involved some techniques I had already tried before. The little lines in the middle of the board was what I found to be challenging. I think this was because they were so small. They’re not super even but good enough for me! I have not made the actual game pieces yet because I ran out of time. I think I want to try to make blueberries and butter squares to create a waffle theme. That is one of the cute ideas I saw and liked. I am actually impressed with myself on these two projects. I can tell that I have gotten much better.

5 thoughts on “A Clay Bowl Pt 2

  1. Thanks for sharing! This is awesome. I know that when I did my pinch pot, I struggled a lot. I really liked watching your video. I think that it was super cool to watch it come together. Plus honestly, it was great how fast it was because for my ADHD brain, it was the right pace. Thanks!

  2. Hello Makenna, I loved your video i think you have previous experience in this field because you did your work so fast and shaped it very well. Awesome job. love it

  3. Hi Makenna! I love reading your posts and seeing more about what you’re doing as this is something that I have been interested in doing for a while as well!
    Excited to see what you do next!

  4. I think that theme for the tic tac toe board is really cute and cool! I can’t wait to see it. As for the bowl technique, it looks fairly simple but probably not easy to do at all. I definitely would not know where to stop and how to ensure that I would not make it be wobbly. It’s great that you are having so much fun and are progressing in your learning and skill.

  5. It’s sweet how you are reflecting on how much you have improved with using clay in the last few months, this seems like a fun project! I researched what kind of paint to use and from my findings it said to use a primer then acrylic paint, hope that helps. You might want to double check that because if my paint suggestion ends up ruining your project I don’t want to be responsible haha.

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