X’s and O’s or Crescent Moon’s and O’s

This week I wanted to create the game pieces for my tic-tac-toe board I made last week. You can find the blog here!  I originally wanted to make X’s and O’s. X’s proved to be quite difficult but I’ll come back to that in a minute. First I made the O’s. They were actually super easy. I took a tea spoon as my stencil and pushed it into the flattened clay, and then did the same thing on the other side of my circle to make it whole. After folding back the clay to reveal all my circles, I pushed a straw into the middle to create the O shape. Previously I have just been creating things by carving them out, but I have seen so many videos of people stamping shapes into the clay and getting what they need that way. This website is an example of inspiration for me. I can say that this was so much easier than what I was doing previously.

After getting my O shapes, I cleaned up the edges with some water and smoothes out the lines. This was actually really difficult because they were so small. The O’s kept sticking to my hands and I found them very difficult to maneuver compared to a bigger piece, so this step took a while to get it how I liked. Go get them off the table, I used the blade that came in my clay tool kit as to not compromise shape.

The X’s were a whole different story. I did not have anything that was shaped like a hollow x that I could stamp into the clay, so I tried to carve it out like I hade been. I tried so many times to make this look good, and this ended up taking the majority of the time I set aside for clay making. Because they were so small, this was so difficult and looked so bad that I gave up and thought go another shape to do. I decided to do crescent moons because I could use the same teaspoon. I stamped it into the clay over and over again to created connected crescent moon shapes. Then carved them out individually from the clay surrounding them. This was super easy. Smoothing them out was the same process as my O’s, difficult and tedious, but I got them done and am super happy with them. They are kind of random but I think they’re cute. After today I want to head to Micheal’s and get cookie cutters for my creations.

4 thoughts on “X’s and O’s or Crescent Moon’s and O’s

  1. Cookie cutters would definitely make some of that process go a bit smoother. As someone that has issues with creating fine details (i.e. I can’t do it at all) this trick would definitely help me out! I think your re-direction with the crescent moons was a solid choice. They look cool and great!

  2. This is so cool! I love how dedicated you are to getting the most perfect shapes! I like how you explained your struggles and what you did to overcome that difficult tasks! I am happy you didn’t give up on making a whole other game piece. Going with the crescent moons was the right choice! Very cute!

  3. I love you creation this week! Even though your initial plan was to make X’s I think that it is cool that you ended making crescent shapes! Kind of a unique spin on the game! 🙂 Really awesome that you acknowledged what went well and what you might change for next time! Reflection and adaptation is always a huge part of the learning process!

  4. Your creation this week is so awesome, I love it! I think it is awesome that you created your own pieces, adding your own touches is always nice!

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