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Month: May 2024

Say ¡Hola! to Spanish: Mastering Spanish Greetings and Introductions

Say ¡Hola! to Spanish: Mastering Spanish Greetings and Introductions

Like in any other language, focusing on mastering a core set of words and phrases is crucial for building confidence and understanding of the language. Learning basic Spanish words and phrases will provide me with a solid framework upon which I could gradually construct more complex sentences and express my thoughts more fluently. To make it even easier to learn, I found this online resource that breaks down the essential words and phrases into categories to make the learning process…

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Embrace the Change: Insights Inspired by Michael Wesch’s Work

Embrace the Change: Insights Inspired by Michael Wesch’s Work

TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION The pace of technological evolution over the years is truly remarkable. It’s incredible to think about how easily accessible knowledge has become, thanks to the internet and digital technology. However, alongside this accessibility comes the realization that our digital footprints are constantly being formed, sometimes from the earliest moments of our lives. During one of our lectures, I learned that 92% of toddlers today have a digital footprint, isn’t it crazy to think about? The idea of having…

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Counting in Spanish: Your Fun Guide to Spanish Numbers!

Counting in Spanish: Your Fun Guide to Spanish Numbers!

Are you ready to embark on a journey to learn Spanish numbers? Mastering numbers is a fundamental step in learning how to speak Spanish language. In this post, I will explore the basics of counting in Spanish and share the resources I used to incorporate numbers into my vocabulary. It will not only enhance my ability to navigate practical situations but also deepen my understanding of the language’s structure and sound patterns. Why Learn Spanish Numbers? Numbers play a crucial…

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Canva Video Creator and Editor Review. The SAMR Model

Canva Video Creator and Editor Review. The SAMR Model

When I first started this class, I saw technology as a way to have fun, but now I see technology as an extension of my educational beliefs. Technology is an essential tool that has become a part of the learning process, allowing the differentiation and creating new opportunities for students and teachers. Good technology integration in the classroom is not about using a fanciest tool, it is about being aware of the range of options and picking the right strategy….

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Hola! Let’s Master the Spanish Alphabet!

Hola! Let’s Master the Spanish Alphabet!

Alright everyone, let’s start this adventure! Welcome to my second week of learning another language! Honestly, I feel like Spanish won’t be a hard language to learn, but we shall see! ENGLISH vs SPANISH ALPAHBETS As a beginner learner, I think it is important to start with the alphabet and pronunciation, as it will give me a solid foundation to learn on. Before I dive into learning the Spanish alphabet and pronunciation, I wanted to pay attention to a few…

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Technology: Navigating Everyday Life in the Digital Age

Technology: Navigating Everyday Life in the Digital Age

Technology and its role in my day-to-day life! We probably all agree that technology has a significant impact on every aspect of our lives. It has changed the way we communicate, access information, work, entertain ourselves, and even how we manage our health. I think nearly everything I do is dependent on technology, and I cannot imagine my life without it. Here are some key areas where technology has had a great impact on my daily life: Workplace. Technology has…

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The Learning Project: Getting Started!

The Learning Project: Getting Started!

Welcome to my learning project journey! When I heard about this project, I got very excited! There are always a million things to learn but so little time. I am happy there is an opportunity in this class to pick something you are interested in and learn about it! I started brainstorming to come up with a few options and settled on these two: learn how to play the piano and learn a new language. Both of these options sounded…

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Hello there and Вітаю! Welcome to my very first blog post – ever! My name is Mariia, and before I introduce myself, I want to thank you for visiting my ePortfolio. I would love to share a little bit about myself so I invite you to come along with me on this journey of me becoming a high school teacher. I am in my first year of the Secondary Education after degree program at the University of Regina which has…

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