"Ancora Imparo - I am still learning" - Michelangelo

Stress-Free Travel: Understanding Directions in Spanish


Why Knowing Directions in Spanish is Important While Travelling

Knowing how to ask for and give directions in Spanish can be a real lifesaver. Imagine your GPS fails or your phone dies on you. Being able to navigate in Spanish can give you independence and security. It allows you to immerse yourself in the local culture and confidently navigate unfamiliar places without worrying about getting lost. Here are the main 3 reasons why it is important to know directions while travelling:

Before diving in, I did some online research to find the best resources for learning, and I stumbled upon this website—it has everything you need to get you started! Here’s a step-by-step guide how to ask for directions:

  1. Greeting. The most natural way to approach a local to ask them anything is by saying “Disculpa” (informal) or “Disculpe” (formal) – Excuse me. You can also start with a friendly greeting like “Hola” (Hello), “Buenos días” (Good morning), or “Buenas tardes” (Good afternoon).
  2. Ask for Help. Politely ask for help using the phrase ¿Podría ayudarme? which means “Can you help me?” This sets a courteous tone for your request.
  3. Ask for Directions. Request specific directions using the helpful phrases.
  4. Seek Clarification if Needed. Don’t hesitate to ask more questions or request the speaker to slow down if you’re having trouble understanding.
  5. Express Gratitude. You can say “Gracias” (Thank you), “Muchas gracias” (Thank you very much), or “Gracias por su ayuda” (Thank you for your help).

Asking for Directions

  • Estoy perdido/a. – I’m lost. It sounds very similar to French! Example: Disculpe, estoy perdida. ¿Me puedes ayudar?  Excuse me, I’m lost. Can you help me?
  • Necesito ayuda. – I need help. Example: Necesito ayuda encontrar mi hotel. I need help finding my hotel.
  • Dónde está – Where is… Example: ¿Dónde está el parque de Retiro? Where is Retiro Park?
  • Estoy buscando – I’m looking for… Example: Estoy buscando la calle Flores. I’m looking for Flower Street
  • ¿Hay un/una _____ por aquí? – Is there a(n) _____ around here? Example: Hay un buen restaurante por aquí? Is there a good restaurant around here?
  • ¿Está (cerca/lejos)? – Is it (close/far away)?

Giving/Receiving Directions

When learning directions in Spanish or other languages, we typically learn how to ask where something is and a few location-related words. However, when we ask someone for directions to get somewhere, we also need to understand their response. Here’s a list of common phrases to know when asking for or receiving directions in Spanish:

  • Sigue recto. – Continue straight.
  • Gira a la derecha. – Turn right.
    • Gira a la izquierda. – Turn left.
  • Está a la derecha. – It’s on the right.
    • Está a la izquierda. – It’s on the left.
  • Está al lado de _____. – It’s next to _____.
  • Está a _____ (millas/kilómetros). – It’s _____ (miles/kilometers) away.

Mango Languages

This week, I gave Mango Languages a try to learn how to ask for directions. I had access to it through the Regina Public Libraries. I found its structure very organized. I appreciated its emphasis on practical conversations, which made learning enjoyable. It also provided helpful guidance on pronunciation, which boosted my confidence in speaking. I particularly liked that each chapter consisted of short lessons which allowed me to take breaks and made the learning process feel more manageable. Through the lessons, I learned basic conversations about directions and had opportunities to practice speaking, listening, and reading skills. I found reading to be the easiest and I did very well on the test, while listening was a bit trickier but I am sure it’ll come with practice! Overall, Mango Languages is a great resource, and I would recommend checking it out if you’re interested in learning Spanish or any other language! I completed the “Places and Directions” chapter on the Mango Languages platform and below is a basic conversation that was taught in one of the lessons:

This week was my final chance to work on my learning project and explore new online resources. Next week, I’ll wrap up what we’ve learned so far. It went by so fast! I’m excited to continue learning, especially with languages—it feels like there’s always more to discover. I’m committed to continuing my Spanish learning journey! Stay tuned for the final post 🙂


A quick lesson on asking and giving Spanish directions

How to ask for directions in Spanish: Essential words and phrases

Mastering Directions in Spanish: A Comprehensive Guide

#1 Best Guide On How To Give Directions In Spanish

How to ask for directions in Spanish? An easy guide for travelers


1 Comment

  1. Jelisa Bjola

    These are some very useful tips! Your learning project is incredibly helpful… thank you! I’ll be taking my first Spanish course in the fall, so thanks for providing some basics!

    Amazing job, Mariia!!

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