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Category: EDTC 300

Teachers and AI: A Collaborative Partnership

Teachers and AI: A Collaborative Partnership

AI and Education In today’s fast-paced world, AI tools are changing how teachers and students work together. Generative AI is a super exciting part of AI! According to Dr. Alec Couros’s presentation, it’s a type of AI that makes new things like images, text, music, or videos. The “generative” means that it can produce new outputs on its own, rather than just analyzing existing data. This ability has huge potential, especially in education! After watching Dr. Alec Couros’s presentation, I…

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Stress-Free Travel: Understanding Directions in Spanish

Stress-Free Travel: Understanding Directions in Spanish

  Why Knowing Directions in Spanish is Important While Travelling Knowing how to ask for and give directions in Spanish can be a real lifesaver. Imagine your GPS fails or your phone dies on you. Being able to navigate in Spanish can give you independence and security. It allows you to immerse yourself in the local culture and confidently navigate unfamiliar places without worrying about getting lost. Here are the main 3 reasons why it is important to know directions…

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Your Digital Identity: What Google Knows and Why It Matters

Your Digital Identity: What Google Knows and Why It Matters

Digital Identity Reflecting on my digital identity, I’ve realized there’s a lot I didn’t know or haven’t thought much about. Since we were kids, we’ve been figuring out who we are. But now, there’s this thing called digital identity, thanks to technology. It is a representation of who we are online. Even though we might think it doesn’t matter, it actually does a lot! Your digital identity is like your online reputation. People believe that what they see and read…

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Coding Adventures: Dive into Hour of Code!

Coding Adventures: Dive into Hour of Code!

What is Coding? We’re surrounded by computer coding in our everyday activities. Whether we’re scrolling through social media, picking a show to watch on a streaming service, or using smartphone apps, code is what makes it all happen! What is coding? It’s is the process of writing instructions for a computer to follow and accomplish a goal. It’s usually done using programming languages such as HTML, Python, or JavaScript. Coders use these languages to translate their ideas into commands that the…

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Ordering Food in Spanish: Happy Hour!

Ordering Food in Spanish: Happy Hour!

Imagine wandering around a Spanish-speaking country, stomach rumbling, but you’re stumped on how to order food in Spanish. I’ve been there! Learning how to order food in Spanish is a must. Whether you’re ordering food at a restaurant, cafe, or even at a street stall, it might be the first thing you’ll do after arriving in a Spanish-speaking country. I am familiar with the classic “una cerveza, por favor”, but I can’t live on a drink alone! While speaking a…

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Digital Literacy and Fake News

Digital Literacy and Fake News

In my previous blog post, I’ve talked about the 9 elements of digital citizenship. This new post focuses on digital literacy, one of those elements. In our recent class, we discussed digital literacy in more detail, especially how it fits into school curriculum and how it helps us spot and fight fake news. What is Digital Literacy and Why is it Important? As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, the necessity of learning about digital literacy skills becomes…

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Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

In our recent class, we discussed important things like staying safe online, when it’s okay to use technology, how much time we spend on screens, avoiding plagiarism, and others. These topics all relate to being a good digital citizen. As our world becomes more digital and connected, knowing how to behave responsibly online is becoming increasingly crucial. “Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool, it is a way to prepare students for a society full of technology.” –…

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Navigating Digital World with Confidence

Navigating Digital World with Confidence

CYBERSECURITY vs CYBER SAFETY In today’s digital word, cybersecurity and cyber safety are critical. So what’s the difference between cybersecurity and cyber safety? Cyber security is about the systems in place to protect my online presence, data, devices, and networks from cyber attacks or unauthorized access. From  my perspective, cybersecurity is like having a shield that protects my digital world from unseen dangers. It might include antivirus software to protect against malware, spam filters to block suspicious emails, or content…

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Say ¡Hola! to Spanish: Mastering Spanish Greetings and Introductions

Say ¡Hola! to Spanish: Mastering Spanish Greetings and Introductions

Like in any other language, focusing on mastering a core set of words and phrases is crucial for building confidence and understanding of the language. Learning basic Spanish words and phrases will provide me with a solid framework upon which I could gradually construct more complex sentences and express my thoughts more fluently. To make it even easier to learn, I found this online resource that breaks down the essential words and phrases into categories to make the learning process…

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Embrace the Change: Insights Inspired by Michael Wesch’s Work

Embrace the Change: Insights Inspired by Michael Wesch’s Work

TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION The pace of technological evolution over the years is truly remarkable. It’s incredible to think about how easily accessible knowledge has become, thanks to the internet and digital technology. However, alongside this accessibility comes the realization that our digital footprints are constantly being formed, sometimes from the earliest moments of our lives. During one of our lectures, I learned that 92% of toddlers today have a digital footprint, isn’t it crazy to think about? The idea of having…

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