Week 1: Setup and Challenges

May 12, 2024 5 By Mason Coghill

Before even starting this journey I will have to recognize the challenges that may occur during the process.

  1. I work a near-full-time property maintenance job which can be fairly physically demanding (especially on the legs..you know…the main muscles used in jumping).
  2. I have already attempted a rough vertical program months ago in which I had great success. The unfortunate truth about training however is a term called “newbie gains” which refers to the fast growth a person makes when initially starting a new training program. What often follows these “newbie gains” is a plateau in which the rate of progress slows significantly. Since my body has been conditioned to similar exercises already, progress will be more difficult compared to never having trained before. This is shown in a study found in the National Library of Medicine where untrained individuals experience a higher level of muscular growth and capacity compared to trained individuals.
  3. 5-7 Weeks is not a long time to see substantial growth. Even a 10% increase would be a significant jump in ability (no pun intended) so we need to be aware that with all these factors combined, there may be little adaptation at the end of the whole project. However, the journey is just as important as the destination.

With all this in mind, and using the following sources in conjunction with a fellow friend/trainer’s help in bringing everything together…the following video shows our starting point, and the training program moving forward.

Weekly Check Up:

Standing/Running Vertical: 24/28 inches

Sources used in creating the program