“Get Off Your Phone”

May 13, 2024 5 By Mason Coghill

This is a phrase I have been surprisingly been telling my parents instead of the other way around. It seems that for most of us, our smartphones have become a massive part of our everyday lives. Some of us use them more productively than others…and I am not one of those people. Tiktok and Instagram have become a complete bane to my existence yet it is sometimes the most entertaining part of my day. I frequently catch myself auto-piloting towards picking up my phone and ending up in a bottom-less pit of scrolling scrolling scrolling until something else desires my attention. It helps me keep in touch with friends through endless videos sent back and forth but that it truthfully the only redeeming quality about this uber time-waster.

On a nicer note, other apps I use frequently are Youtube and Discord. Youtube is used for both entertainment and educational purposes whereas Discord is used for engaging in class-related servers or simply just hanging out with friends. I will admit, even though I do have my academic moments…more often than not it devolves into more endless consumption of entertainment. So in terms of distractions through technology, there is plenty of them.

When it comes down to it however, leaving these apps behind is truthfully not that hard. In order for this to be achieved though I literally have to throw my phone into a space where it is not easily visible and accessible. So truthfully, these applications are kind of a double-edged sword. I have learnt many things through these apps and it has lead to things that have improved my life, but on the other side of the coin, hours upon hours have been sunk into complete time-wasting.