Pan Canadian Assessment Program ??

The Council of Ministers of Education calls PCAP: “the most recent commitment from CMEC to inform Canadians about how well their education systems are meeting the needs of students and society” (n.d). Though I was aware there were programs in place to note student achievement but did not know the specifics or that there was such a catchy acronym. It was interesting to observe how success has been monitored over time. The interactive charts were the most intriguing part of the experience. Ironically, the Ministry of Education mentions the territories but there is no evidence from the territories.

Below I will feature some of the charts presented in the system and my observations of each.

Longitudinal results across Saskatchewan. One will notice a noticeable drop in 2015 in all areas. By 2018 things are beginning to climb slowly, most drastically in Science and Reading. I am curious to know what happened in 2015 to reflect such grades.
Saskatchewan’s high achievers are compared to high achievers in the rest of Canada.
I chose to include New Brunswick as this is a place I am interested in pursuing a teaching career in the future.

I am curious why there is a chart describing the difference in gender in the sense of achievement? In an inclusive world, why does there need to be much focus on what female and male students can do better? Another thing is what about students who identify as non-binary or transgender? Does there need to be such a divide? I am genuinely curious to know why this exists and why these findings are significant?

Subject Consideration

Math, reading, and science are all important skills/subjects to observe but one has to wonder what about including other subjects or skills to observe. Two that come to mind are writing and Reconciliation education. Writing is important because it goes hand and hand with all three of the subjects listed in the analysis. Reconciliation and or Treaty education as well because it would be a step towards reconciliation. Gauging student understanding of Treaty in Canada and around the world would be something to consider.

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