New Teacher

An Equipment Mishap

When I first decided to take up pickleball, I was aware that the cost of equipment could vary significantly. Initially, I opted for a $20 set from Winners. However, one of the paddles broke during our third game, snapping as my partner went for the game-winning point. After this incident, we went to Sport Chek and invested in a $130 set. Although it seemed expensive at first, I was thoroughly enjoying the game, so the investment felt justified. So far, it has proven to be a worthwhile purchase.


  1. Dayna Coffey

    I love that you’re stepping outside your comfort zone and trying pickleball. We have pickleball courts where I live, and my children and I are trying to learn. My in-laws already play pretty frequently, so they are teaching us. I hope your new rack holds up better!

  2. Noah Pelletier

    Hey Megan

    Pickleball is such an awesome sport, I definitely hope to get to play more in the future. It is crazy how big it has gotten in a short period of time having the amount of people playing skyrocket and even seeing more and more indoor and outdoor courts. Unfortunately with this growth, the prices also went up a lot too! I hope this set works out for you and you continue enjoying playing!

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