Shazam is an app that I have known about forever but never really started to use it until recently. The most annoying thing is when you are out in public and someone starts playing a good song and you do not know it… you can either interrupt them and the song and ask them what it is called, wait and hope for the best, or you can simply use Shazam! This is the quickest and easiest option, and would be a great use for music teachers in the classroom, as they can use it themselves and introduce their students to the app.
Shazam is an app you can download onto your phone for free, and use to identify the song playing in real life! Using the mics in the phone the phone is able to listen to the words/beat and rhythm of the song to identify it!
I can easily access Shazam in a hurry by pulling the control centre down on my iPhone, selecting the Shazam button and immediately it begins listening to the song around it. This is a great tool that adds convenience to your daily life as well as having the ability to easily identify a song as the tip of your finger tips