Classroom Experience

Pre-Internship 2022/23:

For my Pre-Internship I was placed at Ecole Wascana Plains in a grade two and three split. I learned so much through observing my cooperating teacher and the students themselves. Wascana Plains school gave em the opperutnity to learn and expand as a teacher. I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to be palced in a multicultural school. I have learned so much through the students themselves and their celebrations.  This experience is what reassured me that teaching was my passion.

Internship 2023/24:

During my internship, I had the opportunity to work at Central Butte School. I am incredibly thankful for the chance to immerse myself in the unique environment of a rural K-12 school. The connections I formed with students, not only within my assigned class but throughout the entire school, are something I will always cherish. I actively participated in several extracurricular activities during my time at CBS, including coaching the senior girls volleyball team, leading elementary volleyball sessions, contributing to the Student Leadership Council, and assisting with the start of the basketball season for both the senior girls and bantam girls teams. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of coaching and building relationships with students of all ages within the school.