Personal understanding of Educational technology

  Educational technology has played a crucial role in shaping out the structure of the learning and how learning has to be delivered. Today I see a complete transition from the traditional classroom tools to use of artificial intelligence in designing personalized learning. I see an integration of digital literacy that enhances our teaching and learning. A contemporary definition of education technology could be the use of technology in such a strategic way that helps to improve the engagement, is accessible in an educational setting and enhances the learning outcomes of the child.

Looking at the historical context, educational technology history is quite rich which we can see from the use of slate boards to smart boards. The journey shows a very critical point made by Neil Postman “ all technological changes are a trade off”. This gives an understanding that whatever new innovations offer, it comes with certain challenges. For example, Today we see advancement in digital technologies that has enriched our knowledge through ease of access but it has also introduced a lot of concerns about screen time.

My Understanding and practice of educational technology has been shaped by a rich historical and philosophical context. In Postman’s article he has mentioned technology being a   “ Faustian bargain” from which I completely agree. I believe educational technology provides a lot of opportunities in terms of what we think, interact and learn but it also widens the gap between those who have and those who have no access to digital. I can relate this to my previous experience working in one of the aspirational districts in India. In order to improve reading literacy we have launched an application called BOLO app that helps students to guide them in reading. But this has led to a lot of challenges as students screen time has increased on the mobile and they have misused it.

To conclude, it’s important we need to take postman’s advice that “ we need to proceed with our eyes open so that we may use technology rather than be used by”. In my opinion everyone should follow these principle when integrating Edtech in his work that should enhance rather than replacing the human experiences of learning.

3 thoughts on “Personal understanding of Educational technology

  1. Hi Mohammad, I appreciate your personal understanding of educational technology and your experiences in the field of education. I really like the pictures that you posted from your education journey. And your quotation grab my attention as it’s an eye opener that we should use the technology wisely and should not be used by it. Hence we should not misuse the technology otherwise its harmful effects will increase rather than it’s benefits.


  2. Great insights, Aatif! I really liked how you incorporated Neil Postman’s idea of technology being a ‘Faustian bargain.’ It’s true that while educational technology offers so much potential for enhanced learning, it also brings challenges like screen time and access issues. Your example from India with the BOLO app really brings this to life. I agree that we must use technology thoughtfully, ensuring it enriches rather than detracts from the human experience of learning. Looking forward to reading more of your reflections!”

  3. Hi Muhammad,

    It is great to read your blog based on your personal experiences. I like your photos with your students. I can see how you really sincere in educating your students. I do agree with you how integrating technology in teaching and learning process will enhance students’ understanding from different perspectives as well as motivate students to keep on learning. Thank you for your thoughts:)



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