The importance Coding and Makerspaces in Education

Coding and makerspaces in the classroom act as a gamer-changer in the education system by providing immense opportunities to students to explore, create and engage significantly. Makerspaces provide a platform to students to develop 21st century skills and polish themselves to deal with real world challenges. Having worked in the education field I have observed how such approaches like makerspace and coding have totally transformed the teaching and learning. 

Coding and makerspaces have the ability to develop skills like creativity and critical thinking in  students. These strategies motivate students to think logically while solving any problem and find structured and meaningful solutions. Coding helps the students to show their creativity and build apps or games while the makerspaces helps the students to understand tactile learning where they can design or experience and brings their theatrical understanding to life. As an Educator, I always encouraged my students to be active creators or problem solvers of their life. This encouragement not only boosts their confidence and resilience but also helps them to unlock the hidden potential in them.

Who Benefits or Who Left Behind?

In my perspective, every student benefits from the coding or makerspace but the only challenge is the equitable access to the technology or resources provided. Students who belong to well resourced schools have better chances to engage with such initiatives. However, the students who belong to the remote areas and studied in underfunded schools have less exposure to reliable technology and this results in the digital divide. Moreover, every student has diverse learning styles, this demands for a tailored support and inclusion strategies so that all students equally participate in the classroom. 

 Challenges in Implementing makerspaces /coding in classroom 

There are numerous challenges in order to implement makerspace or coding in actual practice. Firstly, the major issue is the lack of funding from the government for the required resources like computers or even to build a room for executing makerspaces strategy in the schools. Secondly, the teachers are not properly trained and unaware about how to integrate these approaches into their teaching pedagogy. Reflecting on my teaching journey, I have witnessed the real benefits of incorporating the coding and makerspace in the classroom. I have met a number of talented students who have designed apps addressing local problems like waste management or mental health awareness. These modern strategies have made learning more exciting and instilled a sense of accomplishment in students. 

Should Only “Techies” Teach These Skills?

I strongly disagree with this thought that only “techies” should teach coding or makerspaces. The only thing which matters the most is the eagerness to learn and have a growth mindset both in the teachers and students and also a right support and training by the organization to empower the educator with confidence to teach such skills. Whether you are a pro in technology or just a beginner in your teaching journey, the key to success is to believe in yourself and take the first step forward and create an innovative and creative environment for your students to thrive.  

Knowledge gained from :

One thought on “The importance Coding and Makerspaces in Education

  1. Good day Mohammad! I always enjoy the clarity with which you write your posts and this was no exception. Your opinions and experiences with coding and makerspace are very evident here. I really like the phrase ” active creators” when you were describing your goals of your students. You obviously have much more experience in these areas than I do, so I appreciated your descriptions of the benefits and challenges of these areas of technologies for our students. Getting to that critical thinking stage with our kids is always the main goal, and I was happy to see that as well. Your video added a nice dimension as well, even though it is a few years old, the message is right on target. Thanks again.

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