Maybe you should take your own advice girl…

Hi everyone! For my next learning post, I wanted to talk about a big reality check I had. I am currently temporarily teaching in a grade 5/6 classroom. One morning, I taught them the concept, ” We can only control what we can control.” We brainstormed all of the things that were in our control and what was not in our control.  It was great. I will share a visual below of what I mean.

Walter Thorne on LinkedIn: ONLY WORRY ABOUT THE THINGS YOU CAN CONTROL This is deep! Puts things… | 18 comments

You may wonder why I am sharing this or how it relates to my learning project. I’ll get there eventually. Anyway, back to my story. When I got home that night, I talked with my partner about my mini-lesson on focusing on what we can control, not what we can’t. As I was telling him about it, I had an epiphany. Maybe I should take my own advice… I have spent so much time and energy the last few weeks focusing on the things I cannot control, which indirectly consumed all my energy. Instead of putting my focus and energy into the things in my control. I realized that since I was living in a state that only focused on what I could not control, it prevented me from being mindful. I couldn’t figure out why I was struggling to be in the moment or enjoy the little things, but I have a sense of clarity now. When I focus on the things I can control, I live in a more mindful state. Now that I have started mindfully thinking about what I can and cannot control, I feel so much lighter and have been able to be in the moment and find joy in the mundane parts of my days.

My biggest takeaway this week is that progress is not linear. What only matters is the ability to keep moving forward and challenge yourself to keep progressing, even when it gets hard!

Progress is not linear" - Maria Montessori [1445x2044] : r/QuotesPorn

3 Replies to “Maybe you should take your own advice girl…”

  1. I love this post! It is so important not to take things personally. I had a tough time with this with rough students, once I got out of that head space it was a lot easier to remind myself that I am not the problem, they just see me and are using me as a target for their thoughts and pain. I also love this picture, it is so true!

  2. I have had a rough time with this recently too! Some big, and unfortunate, things have happened with members of my extended family, and it sucks that I can’t do anything right now. I have just been trying to focus on the things that I can control, and it’s definitely harder right now but it will get better and easier to do it eventually. As you said, progress is not linear!

  3. I love that you made this post Morgan! It is so important to see the things that we can’t control and try to roll with, even though it is extremely hard sometimes. I struggle with being caught in the negative instead of spinning things to see the light, specially when thing feel heavy. Thanks for reminding me to let go of what I can’t control.

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